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JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]

141K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hello Hunters, it's Jinx and Tuner! We're a couple of guys w

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
1 year ago - 11 likes

Are you a fan of mashups? I was playing Splatoon and had a fun idea. Check it out if you haven't, yet. Maybe I'll make another.

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
2 years ago - 17 likes

Hey Everyone Jinx here!
We uploaded the first part of my Elden Ring Playthrough of my first ever run through the game yesterday.
I just added timestamps to the VoD to make it easier to skip around if you don't feel like watching through all of my Monke Shenanigans.
If you wanna watch me suffer I recommend checking out "I Don't Think I'm supposed to be Here" and "OH NO ITS A BOSS" <3
Be sure to leave a comment letting us know what you think! This whole Let's Play thing is a thing I've wanted to do for a long time but never got around to so we hope you enjoy it <3

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
2 years ago - 81 likes

Tunert is joining ‪@intelgaming‬ and ‪@RobeytechLive‬ in partnership with ‪@monsterhunter‬ to build a brand new 12th Gen Intel PC for Mod Mondays!


This is a huge opportunity for him and we'd love if you could join over and give him some support and maybe watch him drop some screws in a case.

For more info, check the twitters!

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
2 years ago - 352 likes

Thanks all for joining us for Tuner's pulls. We'll be cutting together some footage for the channel! Be on the lookout for it soon! I think Tuner is going to be doing some more BP/Welkin giveaways in celebration of the good news so be sure to follow!

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
2 years ago - 80 likes

Hey everyone. Wanted some feedback on the length of the podcasts. Thanks.

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
3 years ago - 259 likes

Shot in the dark here. If anyone is interested in WoW TBC Classic, a couple of my friends were first clear on MC in Classic and want to start a guild in TBC. Horde Side Earthfury (NA). They're willing to help get raid ready.…

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
3 years ago - 264 likes

What investment do you consider reasonable for a F2P/L2P player?

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
3 years ago - 316 likes

We've been playing Monster Hunter over on Tuner's Twitch. Come chat with us while we stream the story and test new weapon shtuff! We've got a double camera perspective and everything. We're probably going to cut together some stuff for the channel out of the vods, but that'll be in a bit.

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
3 years ago - 3.5K likes

Hey everyone it’s Jinxo. Wanted to post an update on whats been going on as well as what the near future looks like:

TL;DR: I’ve been struggling with physical sickness and mental stuff the past 2 weeks and still am not feeling great. When Xiao drops tonight if I’m feeling a bit better I might try to do a short chill strim but don’t hold out on it. Overall I’m not sure when I’ll be in a state to work on videos again, hopefully soon but I can’t give any kind of timeline on that right now.
In the meantime, 2 content creators I have personally vetted the math and conclusions of in the past and trust their info on Xiao are SHDWBLD and Kleeful. I am more than comfortable recommending any Xiao content they may put out:
SHDWBLD’s Channel:
Kleeful’s Channel:

Longer Version:
First off sorry for taking until now to communicate anything. I have not been in a proper state to coherently write an update like this.
My head still feels like static right now so I hope that all of this is at least coherent.
Also the rest of this has a lot of physical and mental health real talk, so reader beware and what not.

So while working on the Ganyu vids 2 weeks ago I ran out of lamictal, a mood stabilizer I take to help stabilize my bipolar symptoms. At the time I was between psychiatrists and looking for a new one. In typical Jinx fashion, I prioritized work over my health and procrastinated on booking a new psychiatrist. Turns out lamictal is a medication that has really rough withdrawal symptoms, its the type of medication that you ween off of if you stop taking it. Also turns out that even though I did the typical Jinx thing and ignored how my body felt and tried to push through to get work done, the condition of my body and mind made it impossible to get any coherent work done.
I’ve been back on my medication for about a week now and things are restabilizing but I still feel like shit. My guess is that between the medication withdrawal and my chronic mistreatment of my body (I’m like reaaaaally bad at self care and reaaaaally good at ignoring my body signals) I crashed and despite my medication stabilizing I feel utterly terrible. I’m constantly dizzy and faint, extremely exhausted (I struggle to stand for more than 1-2 minutes at a time), and my thoughts are horribly scrambled and foggy. It’s challenging to process information right now and more challenging to recall it. I’m genuinely surprised I’m able to write this coherently right now, although it is taking A LONG time to write this all out.

All of this combined with my lack of productivity (I have a very unhealthy attachment of my self worth to my productivity which is a thing I am working on with my therapist) has also put me in a very deep depressive episode. Being uncommunicative about it to ya’ll hasn’t helped either; I take pride in being a person who openly communicates. So when I don’t communicate well it feels incredibly embarrassing and shameful to me. Even though I couldn’t due to my physical and mental state, it still triggered those negative emotions and added fuel to the depressive spiral.

But yeah thats whats been going on these past 2 weeks. My next therapy appointment is tomorrow and I’m looking at booking an appointment with my doc to see if there’s anything else going on with my physical health. I assumed that the physical symptoms would subside after I got back on my medication, however its been a week since I restarted on my meds and I’m still feeling like shit so a checkup is probably needed.

As for upcoming channel related stuff and more Genshin Impact related videos and such, I have no idea when I’ll be in a state to make videos again. Hopefully its soon but I can’t promise any kind of timeline.
I have sometimes been feeling more coherent and functional later in the night, normally after a powernap, so if I am feeling up for it I might do a short and chill stream on Xiao day 1 tonight. But that’s only if I’m feeling well enough for it so I wouldn’t hold your breath on that.

I’m genuinely worried I won’t be able to work on much content coming up and give ya’ll good information on Xiao and whether to pull for him. In case I’m not able to, I HEAVILY recommend ya’ll go check out SHDWBLD and Kleeful. They’re 2 theorycrafters I have discussed with A LOT in the past and I trust any information they put out there. They really do the work on checking the numbers and discussing with other theorycrafters to consolidate testing data and thoughts on units and such. There are of course plenty of other content creators who put out good work, but these 2 are the ones I have personally vetted their math and conclusions in the past; I am comfortable recommending anything they put out without having watched it first. They're both also very well regarded and vetted in the TheoryCrafting communities I hang out in and actively participate in a lot of the discussion I've been a part of.

SHDWBLD in particular has been one of the 2 theorycrafters who has been doing SO MUCH PRE RELEASE XIAO THEORYCRAFTING. SHDWBLD and Pichu are pretty much the 2 theorycrafters that I blanket trust their theorycrafting on Xiao because they have been simping on him and running the numbers for A WHILE. They have already done a lot of the base legwork on Xiao theorycrafting pre release(calcing ER ranges to test on him and setting up calcs that just need post release values plugged in etc), and I am sure will be doing A LOT of the post release calcs and conclusions. Even if I am able to work on Xiao content, I guarantee I will be referring to A LOT of their calcs in any video I make.
SHDWBLD’s Channel:
Kleeful’s Channel:

Now that I’m at least feeling more coherent (my brain is staticky and unfocused as all hell but at least I’m able to write out words like this post right now) I’ll be trying to post out more updates as things progress.
Probably on my twitter:

Writing this out has made me really tired. I’ma go rest up.

Thanks for reading ya’ll.
Happy Waifu hunting whalers.

JinJinx and Tuner [Mathalos Gaming]
3 years ago - 824 likes

Heya everyone. Jinxo gonna take Christmas off. He wanted to get his first impressions out today but may not be able to record lines. Here's the background video footage for your viewing pleasure on twitter, just incase.…

If you're alone for the holidays, Tuner will be streaming Genshin everyday at Noon PST on Twitch.Tv/Tuner!

Hope you guys have a great holiday and we'll see you soon!

-Mathalos Guys