We are an off grid living, homesteading, homeschooling, outdoor adventure having family with a passion for our Creator and His creation. The average american spends 93% of their time indoors. Creation or Evolution, doesn't matter what you believe the fact is our bodies, minds, and spirits are hardwired for connection and experiences with the natural world. It is our desire to encourage others to get back outside. Reconnect with the natural world and the One who made it all for us. Whether you take a walk through the city park, grow a tomato, put up a bird feeder, eat a wild edible plant, cook over a campfire, paddle down the Allagash, ride a horse through the Rockies, climb some mountains, raise some animals, sit in the forest, soak in a mountain stream, feel the sunshine, touch a snowflake, breath the wind, PRAY IN THE WILDERNESS, it's time to go back outside where we belong!
Faith, Family, and the Great Outdoors!