Hello!!! My Name is Vamshikrishna. I come from a state in India called Telangana. I spend most of my life traveling and going on adventures, I have been to every state in India. I'm married to the beautiful Smruthi and son Hartej accompanies me in many of my vlogs. So a little about me, I'm the most down the earth person and super friendly. I love meeting new people and sharing stories and making new memories.
My channel is a mix of everything. My main passion is travel but you will find a lot of videos of my hometown Hyderabad, as I want to showcase the best of my home state.
Looking forward to having you as part of our adventure.
"It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice."
Much Love ❤❤❤
Mail (Business purpose only) vamshikrishna05121981@gmail.com