When you purchase a new construction home, the builder has their salesperson to represent them, who represents you? This is part of my service, with over 15 years of experience, I can work directly with the builders on your behalf, negotiating, consulting and overseeing the transactional details. I keep up on all the new phase releases, find out about projects before they are built, and get inside information. I am also given special offers that I pass on to you. All of these things save you a significant amount of money and time in your busy schedule.
This service is free to you, the buyer. My services are throughout Orange County and also consist of a full team to help you with your relocation if needed. We have a landscaper, interior decorator, mover, etc. and once settled I can refer plumbers, handyman, painters, anyone you may need.
Lisa Walters
(714) 544-4248
bre# 01342454