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Lacy Jane

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your mental health is important and so is your divine soul’s

Lacy Jane
7 months ago - 10 likes


I’m just owning the fact now that I don’t have it all figured out. Each year brings a new level of acceptance and I’m coming more and more into understanding that my soul’s purpose is love… of self. That is no easy task for someone who spends so much time contemplating purpose and the meaning of existence. Every year I get a little sad because I reflect on the past and pray that I’m really, truly living.

This year has been another life changing year for me (finally seeing the effects of my solar return!!!!) and the best advice I can give is : to start acting on your desires when you first have the thought.

If it’s been planted in your heart, the universe placed it there for a reason. Anything that you want is worth pursuing. Any dream has the capability of coming to fruition, even better than its original form. Put your all into everything and everything will come back by tenfold. You weren’t born to wonder what the grass is like on the other side, because you were born to experience and feel how beautiful it is to water your very own garden.

The garden you choose to water will be entirely dependent on the seeds that you choose to plant, so choose wisely. Choose to grow something that will make YOU happy, not what will feed the mouths of other people that don’t live your life. Other people have no say on your life because they’re not the ones dealing with the consequences or rewards of your actions. Only you are.

Life is worth the risk.

Alexa, play Ratchet Happy Birthday x Drake


Lacy Jane
8 months ago - 8 likes

How is everyone doing during this retrograde hmmm??? I think that the moments where we receive setbacks and failures (often blessings in disguise) are the moments where we have the opportunity to open a clear line of communication with source. Here are some questions/ opportunities/ statements that I’ve been using to open that line of communication and challenge the ways that I’ve been thinking/ reacting to hardships:

- If this isn’t for me, bring me closer to what IS.
- Show me how good it gets.
- This or something BETTER is coming.
- Everything is working out for me, on MY behalf, in MY favor.
- The richer this experience makes me, the richer I am in spirit.
- Only good can come from this.
- Universe always provides a way. Always.

Lacy Jane
9 months ago - 12 likes

Hi my friends ❤️ it’s been a while! I’m working on a new meditation that my heart felt compelled to share with the world. I’m planning on getting back to uploading videos again, but the style will probably be a little bit different since I don’t have the editing content that I’m used to. Regardless, I have so many new insights and downloads that I can’t wait to share. I’m prepared to share the good, bad and ugly, because life itself is unfiltered. I hope you all are thriving despite the dumpster fire that’s happening in the cosmos 😂 I know I am 😅 I love your face!

Lacy Jane
11 months ago - 12 likes

life is beautiful and crazy and unpredictable right now. I wish I could say much, much more, but I will say that I’m recording every bit so that I can come back with all of the life updates and lessons that have come through. I hope you all are navigating your waters with your head high. xoxoxo Lacy Jane ✨❤️

Lacy Jane
1 year ago - 11 likes

Timing is always divine. I was just looking back at some pictures/videos I have saved from my life over the past few months and it’s interesting to view myself in the moments right before I experienced another change. In each individual moment I experienced joy, heartbreak, grief and pain. When looking at the timeline, though, I see clearly the divine planning and plotting that ACTUALLY was happening FOR me. There are no coincidences. Every single heartbreak, every single failure, and every single plot twist that has been given is the seed of something new and beautiful. I hope you rest tonight in knowing that this week is bringing something beautiful your way, even if it comes disguised as discomfort. ❤️

Lacy Jane
1 year ago - 12 likes

share with me some successes from 2022! ✨

Lacy Jane
1 year ago - 13 likes

Hello angels! I'm going to be honest here: everything has been HARD. I was coming right around to my old self, feeling really GOOD and excited about life and then so many things came crashing down. I have been put in this quiet little space where I basically have to regroup and ask myself how I will choose to respond. Sometimes it's like the universe sends you one thing after another so that you can completely clear the slate and rebuild a new foundation, and that is a really trying process. This time, I am really choosing to focus on the small things that I CAN control. I am choosing to focus on the little things, because sometimes that is all we have and we just must simply make the best of it. So, with that being sad, I will be back to posting regularly soon, but I am choosing to take a few moments to mentally get myself on track so that I can enter this new year with more faith than fear. I will take this moment though to remind you that if you need your own time and space to feel and heal, that is okay. It doesn't matter whether it's a holiday, a Tuesday afternoon or your birthday; you have the right to let your tears fall and your anger boil over for a second. I let mine fall a little long, and now I am ready to face the sunlight. Like the lotus flower, we too have the ability to rise through the darkness. I love you. Remember that there are divine forces at hand that are carefully curating your journey here in order to illuminate the bigger meaning here: your presence in this beautiful space. If you are celebrating something: I wish you all the best. If you are grieving: I am sending you peace and comfort. ❤️

Lacy Jane
1 year ago - 7 likes

WOW my time away from social media has been so beneficial for me during this hard time. What’s beautiful is that I feel something stirring deep within me— a new direction, a new voice and a new sense of purpose. I have been conjuring so many things lately that I’m really excited about. More importantly, I’m just thankful to be where I am right now, despite the struggles I’ve been mentally enduring lately. Please tell me: what are you thankful for lately? What small beauty has brought you joy recently?

Lacy Jane
1 year ago - 2 likes

Curious as to what content you like to see ✨

Lacy Jane
1 year ago - 17 likes

Hi friends. I’ve been taking some time off as of late because, honestly, there’s been just a lot going on. Between moments of seasonal depression, family issues and approaching holidays, I’ve found it crucial to prioritize where I’m putting my energy. This is a really difficult time of year for me and I truly send out my love to anyone that is going through the same. I hope that you’re finding strength to carry on through this moment. I hope that you know that support is here. Give yourself some love today.

Anyway, you will be seeing more of me soon. Until then, enjoy this meme.