We are a Charismatic organization dedicated to fulfilling our Lord Jesus Christ's commission to "Make Disciples of All Nations", and to proclaiming the truth by ALL means possible that, "Jesus Christ is the Savior of ALL men, ESPECIALLY those that believe!"
Also that, "In the fulness of time, it is God's EXPLICIT intent, formed before the ages were created, that ALL things, both in heaven and on earth, shall be reconciled to Himself, and that He shall, IN FACT, be All-In-All of his creation"
It is our VERY STRONG belief that it was never God's intent that Christianity should become just one more Formal ("ISM") -- nor was it His intent that our relationship with Him should be shrouded in formula, ritual, ceremony, or artificiality. Adam walked with God in the "cool of the day". It WAS and IS His intent that man should have a spontaneous relationship with Him through His Spirit, in JUST the same way that we have a relationship with the air we breath and the light that bathes us!