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Hello all and welcome to SOUTHEND AVIATION! Firstly I'm Sh

4 months ago - 25 likes

A message from Shaun,

Hi all, a very warm welcome to SOUTHEND AVIATION. It's been a while. You may well be wondering what happened to this channel? Did I give up videos? Did I fall out of love for aviation? Is SOUTHEND AVIATION dead? Well, I'm happy to report I am alive and well.

When I started this channel, I had a passion for filming aircraft. Although my videos were basic to say the least, filmed on a budget Nikon Bridge camera, I found a lot of enjoyment in doing it. As time went on and I upgraded my camera gear and I also dabbled into aviation photography. I still made time for doing content on here. However, it has to be said, I got sucked into the social media trap. Recording videos, spending a fair amount of time editing and then not getting the reach I personally felt the video was worth. It was videos like this where I thought to myself "I would have much preferred to take photos of this".

So I then ventured into something new, something I hadn't done before nor seen much on Youtube. POV style aviation photography videos. This video structure allowed me to continue aviation videography and photography all in one. I would go to airshows, events etc with a Gopro on me using a chest mount and I'd simply leave it rolling. I would then showcase some photos I took during the event and at the end I would give a run down on how I edited one of photographs from the day. The trouble I then found with this was time, as editing photographs can take a while. I could spend hours editing one photo. Given this, by the time I had a decent selection of photos edited the video of the event (I felt) would no longer be as relevant if say I uploaded it a few days after. This then led to a lack of motivation for videos, if I just stick to photography I can edit my work in my own time and I have something for myself.

I'm sure this is something we all come across as creators on social media and a healthy break is absolutely needed. I'm happy to say I'm still very much keeping active with my photography. 2023 was huge year! I went to events, airshows, airports and air bases all over the country. Even venturing out to Belgium for Belgian Air Force Days.

2023 also put live into perspective for me personally. The most dreaded and powerful loss anyone can experience is that of a parent. On the 1st of August my dear mum lost her battle to cancer. Given she was diagnosed just 3 weeks before her passing it really put into perspective that tomorrow really is never promised. We never know when our time is spent on this earth so it's very important to live life to the fullest. I have a lot of plans for 2024, airshows, events, flights etc. So who knows, maybe I'll find myself filming here n there again...

I have a pretty large backlog of videos that I need to sort through from the past year or so. All of which I intend on uploading in due course. I'm not start any schedule of say 1 video a week etc, I'm going to do this at my own pace. A special thanks to those that have stuck around, I'll see you in the next video.

Best regards,

1 year ago - 5 likes

Tomorrow (or rather later today) I bring back the POV Aviation Photography videos! Last month I attended the VTTS' Vulcan Ground Run Experience event! Sadly, it has to be said, this event was very poor. Rude staff and the value for money as well as many other cons are mentioned in the video. I've tried in this video to give an completely honest review from someone who attended the event with an open mind, despite all the negativity that circulates this trust. It may come across like I'm ranting a lot in this video, and if it's not your cup of tea I appreciate that, I can't say I really enjoyed making this video either.

Nether-the-less the video shall be live tomorrow at 8AM BST for those who want to watch. You may well be interested in attending this event in the future, although I would advise you save your money as quite frankly it's just not worth £125.

1 year ago - 12 likes

See you at 9PM...

1 year ago - 5 likes

Hi all!

I'll be flying tomorrow on 3 flights, routing is STN-BCN-MAD-LHR! The aircraft involve; Ryanair 737 MAX, Air Europa 787-8 and Iberia A330-300. I will be doing trip reports on all of these flights. But here's another thing you don't know... I already have 5 trip reports recorded from last year I am still yet to edit! Bad I know, fair to say I have been slacking. So of all the trip reports I have filmed and ready to edit, which do you want to see first? Please not that Youtube only allows 5 poll options so if you would rather see one of my trip reports from tomorrow then comment below. See you in the air!

1 year ago - 8 likes


Which aircraft do you prefer? The ATR series or the Dash 8 series?

1 year ago - 4 likes

Set your alarms, get the bell on, do whatever the Youtube trend is nowadays! My full Lightning twilight run video is live at 8PM UTC! See you there!

1 year ago - 27 likes

A little teaser for tomorrow...

1 year ago - 10 likes


Which aircraft do you prefer? The Airbus A400M or the Lockheed Martin C130J?

1 year ago - 9 likes


Which aircraft do you prefer? Bombardier Global 6000 or the Gulfstream G700?

1 year ago - 8 likes


Which aircraft do you prefer? The B-1 Lancer or the Vulcan B2?