Welcome to "Ask The Customs Manager" - the place on YouTube to get your international trade, customs, export controls, and sanctions questions answered!
Who am I?
I’m Arne Mielken, a seasoned customs and trade professional with over 20 years of experience in helping businesses stay compliant, competitive, and connected in global markets.
What happens in this channel?
This channel is dedicated to giving you expert answers to YOUR customs questions.
Who is this channel for?
If you're a customs, import & export professional, customs broker compliance officer, supply chain manager, or simply curious about the world of international trade AND you have a customs question that you need answered, you are in the right place.
How does it work?
Got a question? Simply e-mail me (info@customsmanager.org) your question or drop it in the comments —the answer might just be my next video.
Then, subscribe and hit the notification button to make you know when I answered your question!