Unusual Attitudes is the channel that puts you in the cockpit of some of the world’s most unique aircraft!
I highlight the details of NASA's Super Guppy Turbine, C-130 Hercules & P-3 Orion. As a private pilot, I also like to include some General Aviation aircraft, just to spice things up a bit.
My name is Matt Smithers. I'm a 22 year, retired Navy Veteran who still gets to play with airplanes in his second career! In the Navy, I amassed 5000+ hours, first in the P-3 then the C-130 as a Flight Engineer. Now as a contractor living in Dallas, TX. I still fly both of them and have added NASA's one & only Super Guppy Turbine in the mix.
I love to talk to people, ESPECIALLY if they have interesting aviation stories! If YOU have a cool aircraft that you 'd like to have featured on the channel, have some interesting stories, or a general inquiry, send me an email; unusualattitudesinflight@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you!