What's in the name? Who – or what, even – is AMINTO?
A musician, yes – but AMINTO is more than a person. AMINTO is first and foremost an idea.
In today's world where music is judged by the artist name alone before people even hit "Play", AMINTO forces the listeners to focus on the sound, and sound alone. Expanding on the concept of the "ID" and stretching it even past the release date, the enigmatic musician behind the mask makes the sound of his music his sole feature and asks an uncomfortable question. Does an A-list name attached to a track make you enjoy it? Does the lack of one make you swipe left?
AMINTO is a litmus test of honesty and open mind – even if no one is there to hear your answer but yourself alone. A lingering ID on your release radar. The mask is his face, and the music is his language. Listen.