in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
THANK YOU for 300,000 Subscribers :D!!!!
Its wild to even think about number that large. I'm so grateful! Thank you!
This channel had grown and changed a lot over the years and I hope you'll stick around with me as it grows and changes into the future :D
Thanks for taking the time to watching my videos. I truly hope you enjoy them!
Check out my latest video :P
- Quiet Nerd aka Jason :D
400 - 34
100,000!!!! THANK YOU
Thank you for helping me reach such a huge milestone! I'm so grateful for everyone who has ever watched and subscribed to my YouTube channel :D. Thank you again for all the love and support!!!
I hope to see you all along the journey with me to the future with new projects, experiments, places, and more.
My channel has evolved a lot of the years and I'm never quite sure where it will lead me. But I'm excited for it and I hope you are as well :D!
See you there!
Much love
- Jason AKA Quiet Nerd :D
- Cheers!
P.S 100,000 Wow! I still cant believe it Thank you again!
Also I'm just starting to work on a camper build V2 video so stay tuned!
1.4K - 97
50,000 Wowza!!
When I first started this YouTube channel I would have never guessed that one day I would have 50,000 people subscribed to it. Its absolutely incredible. From my start of silently looking at magic the gathering cards on camera to the wildly different content I create today. This channel and myself have grown and changed a lot over the years and I want to thank you all for being there on this journey with me. I put my all into this channel. I try my hardest to make the best content I can. I truly hope you enjoy it. I'm so excited to see where this channel goes in the future!
Cheers too 50,000 More :D!
Thank you for helping my dreams come true!
Much Love
- Jason
Aka Quiet Nerd
Keep On Keeping on!
272 - 30
Hi everyone! I made a new video on building and spending the night in my first ever bushcraft shelter. I'm super happy with how it turned out. It was a lot of work but totally worth it!
Check it out
82 - 1
40,000 Subscribers! Wow. And Thank you!
This channel and myself have grown and changed lot over the years. From filming in my bedroom on top of poster boards to all the projects and videos I create today. I am so grateful for everyone who has ever subscribed and supported me throughout the years. Your helping my dreams come true. I hope you stick around with me as I continue to grown and create content. I have no Idea where this will lead me but I'm excited to find out :D
Thank you for being there
Much Love
-Jason aka Quiet Nerd
- Cheers!
106 - 8
Check out my latest video on a shelter build. Where I spend the night in a shelter made of 5 inflatable pools in the middle of the forest.
It was a blast to make and stay in. its one of my favorites so far :D
- Cheers!
51 - 1
Have you ever wondered if you could make a shelter out of printer paper?
Well I always did.
Check it out! :D
P.s I'm proud I got no paper cuts
54 - 6
I like video games, technology, magic the gathering, nature, and much more!
tf2 is my favorite game!
magic is fun to play
gota love the small things