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Lover of all old school video games. I love Mega Man and ha

6 days ago - 15 likes

What's up my viewers? Sorry I haven't created any new videos in a while. I've been out of sorts with my life and trying to figure out stuff. Anyway I thought I'd make a game comparison as a fun post.

In my free time I went back and replayed Mega Man X6....And actually enjoyed it....At least more than Mega Man 9. I know a lot of fans trash talk MMX6, but the truth is it's still a vastly superior 2D title compared to the likes of MM9. For starters you have both X and Zero (No DLC needed). Being able to climb walls, double jump, and do combos with Zero is very enjoyable. Rescuable reploids are far more fun than just collecting bolts to buy old E-tanks or 1ups. There is no "double jump" purchasable in MM9 or any item that increases your movement or powers like in X6. There are 8 Dr. Light Capsules and many items to collect in X6. No such thing in MM9. MM9 didn't even have the charge shot (at least as Rock) or the ability to exit a stage after completing it!

The only thing I found better in MM9 was the weapons. Black Hole Bomb, Hornet Chaser, and Laser Trident are all extremely powerful and fast moving. X6's weapons are almost all garbage! I find myself fighting with the arm cannon or saber in about every situation as they do more damage and move faster. By X6 the X games had moved so far away from robot master weapons that they were almost a non-factor. Nobody who plays X6 tries to fight the robots in weakness order. No one gives a shit about beating Ground Scaravich to get his weapon and to then take on Blaze Heatnix. In MM9 most players follow the weakness order to defeat the robots, like having the Plug Ball to beat Tornado Man. This is a loss for X6.

Some people say X6 has terrible level design and that is true, but so does MM9. Blaze Heatnix and Metal Shark Player are horrible levels. As horrible as they are, they are at least more entertaining than Tornado Man or Plug Man with odd secrets to find in exploring extremely dangerous areas!

I don't like the X series plots. I've always thought they were overdramatic and stupid. But at least X series plots TRY! Gate in X6 is more entertaining than old Dr. Wily in MM9. The dude looks like a cross between Gemini Man and Quick Man and is weird asf. Then there's the big black giant, High Max, who's equally crazy looking. The mavericks are just as wacked. We're fighting a Pink Robotic Clam Man in a laser base and a Water Flea robot with a remix of the Final Countdown playing! How high does a developer need to be to come up with shit like that?!

And who could forget the hardcore metal music of X6? Blaze Heatnix's theme alone tells you how hardcore the devs were in their compositions. The calm Commander Yammark theme is really peaceful and psychodelic. Or how weird Metal Shark Player's theme is. X6 would be a great game to play when you're really high or drunk. Just let yourself get lost in its trippy nature. It was I could go on and on about the unbalanced nature of X6, but then this post would take until Christmas to finish reading. Fun Fact, back in Christmas of 2001 I got MMX6 as a present from my oldest brother (along with MMX4). It was a fun Xmas!

To conclude this post, MegaMan X6 has a enough problems to write an entire novel about, but it is so fucking crazy and bizarre that prefer it over many "classic" Megaman titles! I'm not saying X6 is a great game or even a good game, but in my eyes it is far FAR more entertaining and interesting than MM9 will ever be..... plus you get to learn Japanese in the process ^_^ γ€€θͺ­γ‚“γ§γγ‚Œγ¦γ‚γ‚ŠγŒγ¨γ†γ€‚ またね!!

3 weeks ago - 7 likes

I've been playing a ton of Mega Man Maker for the last few months. I enjoy making videos and plan on continuing to do so off and on. These videos can be quite time consuming, so I'm curious what you viewers would like to see more of my channel. Here are 4 options. Please vote for the kinds of videos you like to watch the most.

1 month ago - 3 likes

I've been doing Mega Man Maker reviews for a very long time now. I've used several score cards at the end of my videos. Sometimes there have been custom ones, but for the most part there have been three consistent ones. For resolution purposes I have resized scorecard 1 and scorecard 2 to fit onto this poll. Which one do you viewers like the most? (excluding Roll's outfit which has changed a lot in each review).

2 months ago - 11 likes

Paying my respects. RIP Akira Toriyama. You influenced my life and countless others. You will be missed. I'll see you on Snake Way with Goku and Vegeta someday....γ‚γ‚ŠγŒγ¨γ†γ”γ–γ„γΎγ—γŸγ€‚ι³₯山さん。

3 months ago - 4 likes

To all my old MMM viewers and friends: It has been awhile since I did any Mega Man Maker reviews. I've thought about going back and doing them again because they were fun. Having played and created many levels myself, I am curious to know which style of MMM levels you find most enjoyable to play. There are many types of MMM level styles and I can't list them all, but these are a few notable ones. Please vote on which of these four types you enjoy playing the most.

1. Classic Linear: You go from point A to point B in single screen fashion. Usually you fight a robot master at the end of the level with a little gate. No vertical scrolling. These are BY FAR the most common type of level. They're in every official classic game.

2. Open Linear: These are also linear go from point A to point B, but are more like a Sonic level in that there are multiple open screen paths to traverse. There is lots of vertical scrolling. There are almost no screen transitions in these type of levels. Usually you fight a robot master at the end, sometimes with a gate and sometimes without. Very uncommon level type.

3. Open Nonlinear: These levels are nonlinear with vertical scrolling. They have a sandbox feel to them. The goal is to find the exit of the level or beat the boss hidden somewhere in the level. There are usually keys and locked doors in these levels. Usually you fight a robot master at the end, but not always. Very uncommon level type as well.

4. Short Joke levels: These are usually just short funny gag levels involving a robot master dying fast or some mini game. They are a fairly common level type.

VOTE on your favorite level type.

4 months ago - 6 likes

γƒ­γƒƒγ‚―γƒžγƒ³ Rockman Commander Guard

4 months ago - 6 likes

γƒ­γƒƒγ‚―γƒžγƒ³Rockman ガソγƒͺγƒ³ηŽ‹ Gasoline Tycoon

4 months ago - 5 likes

γƒ­γƒƒγ‚―γƒžγƒ³X γ‚Όγƒ­ Rockman X Zero Fanart

5 months ago - 0 likes


9 months ago - 13 likes

I recently replayed Megaman 8 to find out exactly why many fans of the series do not like this game. And now I know exactly why. MM8 is boring, unimaginative, and very short. It has less levels than MM3. For a PS1 game, that's pathetic. Any gamer with half a brain knows that optical discs hold A LOT more than an NES cartridge. MM8 should have had AT LEAST 20 levels! Crash Bandicoot had fucking 30 levels and that game was pseudo 3D! There's no secret levels or any kind of deep exploration either.

MM8 is the kind of game that could've followed the MM DOS games layout. Big levels, with deep exploration. You could swim in both games, but there's almost no swimming in MM8. A huge waste of a new mechanic that could've opened up a lot of level exploration possibilities. I do like that you can use your arm cannon and a special weapon at the same time. That was good.

The bolts are limited in this game, which means you cannot buy every item in the shop. That's dumb. Not that it really matters though, because most of the shop items are lame as shit. An Exit module? Didn't Mega Man X come with that from the start? An Energy Balancer? Didn't MMX also automatically have that? Climbing ladders faster? WHY WOULD I WANT TO BUY THESE!? There's NOTHING creative or fun about these items! They're just basic functions the player should start off with and they were already in other titles! Why not add the wall climbing move from MMX to the shop? Why not add an upgraded buster that let the player aim their weapons in any direction (like Bass)? Why not add super high jump boots like from Super Metroid? Something that would make the player move faster than an upgraded slide!

Speaking of movement, MM8 has the slowest movement out of all the 2D games. The game scrolls extremely slow. Look at MMX and then look at this game and you'll notice a huge difference in movement speed. Your jump is very stiff and inferior to past titles. Opening the menu takes several seconds. It's almost as if Capcom did this intentionally.

Rush Jet as everyone knows is in the game, but it's just a single screen, linear auto scroller in Tengu Man and Wily Stages that plays even less impressively than Life Force on the NES! Why not add multiple routes with Rush Jet? The Snowboarding is the same. Megaman just stands idally on the snowboard and there's no special sprites or animation of him riding it (like Final Fantasy 7 had). Very lazy design. For these reasons I'm pretty certain the game was lower budget.

The voice acting, while goofy, isn't really all that of a problem. The story is lame and unimportant as usual so it's not much of a problem either. It's nice to have cutscenes, but why add so many of them if the story is lame from the start? That disc space could've been used for more levels or items. The robot masters look okay and they battle fine, though slow. Like MM7 you can only select from 4 robots at a time, which is tradition that Capcom wanted to follow. Tradition is good, but in this case it hampers the innovation the game could've had.

I could go on and on, but the main problem with MM8 is that it's very underwhelming and uncreative for a PS1 title. It's inferior to all it's predecessors, which is surprising for a game developed on stronger hardware. If the developers wanted to stick with the classic linear formula, they could've at least added more levels and better items/moves. The amount of content (and what exists) in this title is very lame. I never hear any fans mentioning most of the issues I wrote. This is just my opinion of course. What do you viewers think of Megaman 8?