Welcome to the ERVILHA DE MENDEL( MENDEL'S PEA) channel! 🌱🔬 With weekly videos, the channel is hosted by Professor THIAGO MENDES and the virtual assistant CYBERVILHA. Our goal is to teach and clarify questions about sciences, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, and other interesting topics in a simple and accessible way. We want to help you with your studies, whether you're in elementary school, high school, preparing for exams like the vestibular and Or if you simply wish to keep discovering new and fascinating things about the world. THIS IS YOUR CHANNEL! 🎓🌍 🌟🔍 #mendelspea #professorthiagomendes
Check out some videos you might also enjoy:
👉 The strangest animal in the world: youtu.be/u7DMbSnQdNg
👉 The day it rained meat: youtu.be/A4Ns4sB2K4w
Follow our social media to stay updated on all the latest news :
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mendelspeaofficial/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mendelspea/?view_public_for=10201…