This is a government access channel of the City of Coral Gables. It was created to provide information about government deliberations, activities, services, and events. CGTV can be viewed in the City of Coral Gables on Comcast Cable (channel 77), and on Adelphia Cable (channel 97). CGTV also streams live on the Web at CGTV carries live and tape delayed coverage of Commission meetings, Historic Preservation, Planning and Zoning Board meetings, plus other programming 24 hours a day, seven days a week. CGTV also produces its own original programming specifically oriented to inform, educate and entertain residents. Our YouTube channel features the latest productions by Coral Gables Television. The site is updated as soon as a new show hits the air. We invite you to watch and learn more about our City Beautiful by watching Coral Gables Television and by visiting our YouTube channel regularly.