Shiva Rama Krishna Vajjala
Shirdi Sai Baba Upaasak.. Spiritual Advisor.. Clairvoyant.. Divine Healer.. Divya Vaak Sidda Jyothish.. ( Shiva Sai Astrologer - Numerology & Vasthu..) Pranic Healer & Psychotherapist.. Since - 1980. Ph No. +919849216316
👉 My teachings is different than others.. I teach including years of My own experiences.. keen observation in Tradition.. Devotion.. Spiritual.. Yoga.. Cosmic.. Healing.. Psychology.. and many other different topics..
Solved so many problems with easy way.. to lacks of peoples.. in my consultations..
So.. please do not compare with others.. you can accept or not it is your own interest..
If you not interested ignore it.. Do not make controversial..