Wskart is India’s Greatest E-commerce marketplace Store which handle from single warehouse from multiple location. offering over 4000+ products cross 70+ categories including Consumer Electronics and Lifestyle, Home Improvement and Decor, Hardware Fittings, Health and Hygiene and fashion Ware Etc...
Wskart is known for its path-breaking services like Cash on Delivery. Wskart is the only online player offering best quality products packing surveillance and apply "CHECK & PACK" Policy in the warehouse.
Launched in December 2016, Wskart has become the Best Preferred online Shopping Store for quality preferred customers of Indian Brand .
Wskart, currently has 1 Million registered users clocking over 25K daily visits approx. Wskart technology has enabled it to deliver 50K shipments per month from Single warehouse with "CHECK & PACK" Policy & ZERO (0) Defect Orders and this numbers are growing.