in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Well here's my first ever community post for 2025. It's a sad one, but also a happy one. 85 years ago today was my gracious grandmother summoned into existence outside of my great grandmother's stomach.
But 4 years ago, His Majesty Supreme Lord Timothy died. And 7 years ago on February 7(2 days ago today), Littleman(Formerly known as Littleman "Rufus") vanished, never to be seen or heard from again.
Also February 3(6 days ago today) was the 2nd anniversary since the July Pekin duck's demise(She appeared in July 2022, and another Pekin duck came in August of the same year, who only lasted 3 months), January 5 was the anniversary since Shaun the Egyptian goose left after losing a war for territory, January 14 was Pinkfoot's disappearance anniversary.
January 2025 has been a bit troublesome. My grandmother's brother's wife, who I never met, died on January 7, and one of my grandmother's close friends also died in late December 2024. I also lost a scarf that my father and I had for many years on January 15, around that time. I somewhat treasured it, we had it all the time I existed up until it fell off and I wasn't paying attention.
No birds have been lost this year, and goodness forbid any are lost. I'm in Cornwall again(January 18) after having to return early(January 5) after having my WORST new years day EVER, and I'm remaining there until February 13, around that time.
Content is coming by the way. I just have so much to upload I don't know what order to upload them all in. Seriously.
But I am working on something very important. It is mandatory that it be released no later than February 20 at latest because it's about my passion for ski lifts which is in greater danger than it ever has been before and I've taken way too long to do something about it.
I've been a total nincompoop doing nothing but watching YouTube and daydreaming too much this past year or so, and I need to stop it. It's not getting me anywhere, heck I'm not even uploading anything I daydream too much, and I'm just wasting myself out of existence.
So it's time to put an end to that tomorrow and no later. Content IS GOING TO COME, PEOPLE. In addition to clocks, bells, washing machines(Mostly my Miele W906), my beloved birds, and the usual crap, there will be some new content coming that you'll never have expected from me.
I've realised a lot in the 4 years in which I've had a hiatus from YouTube before I uploaded a rant on a stupid online community full of underdeveloped morons which I took too long to get out of(Again, like I'm taking too long to do the ski lift commentary). A lot of things which I believe should be said because I'm going to be a talker.
A talker against some stupid beliefs that humans have been indoctrinated into believing, such as marriage(Because it does nothing, literally), and also the AWFUL system which we've all been forced to live by which has costed us all our freedom. Not mine because I haven't fallen into the trap yet, and I wish not to.
Although I'm being too much of a stupid snowflake right now to establish a SELF-SUFFICIENT lifestyle, I refuse to let it be that way forever.
Also I'm not going to do long community posts mourning my birds any longer. It has taken up the majority of my recent community posts and I've been essentially saying the same things over and over again, even though I do mean every word of what I wished was possible in those community posts.
I will always pursue time travel, immortality and a way to change the past however, no matter whether it ever becomes of possibility or not.
Meanwhile, here's the same picture of Timothy and Littleman that I've updated on every community post about Littleman's disappearance anniversary. It is the last thing I ever took of him before the poor bastard vanished.
I miss him and Timothy immensely. Mortality should not be possible for those who are innocent and do not deserve it and it pains me intolerably that there is no known way to make sure that the innocents are immortal and will remain immortal forever, like how they should be and remain.
CBF1, February 9 - February 10, 2024.
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Here's my final community post for 2024. I can simply say that all I've been this year is a silly, over-daydreaming, panicky piece of crap. Panicking about the old ski lifts in Europe which will be destroyed if I don't do anything about it(and I've taken WAY too long to do something about it, I should have successfully started a rebellion YEARS ago), panicking about corporate power, panicking about other things.
Daydreaming too much about Wurlitzer and Ruth & Sohn band organ music because I'm freaking addicted to it.
I've daydreamed so much it's been overriding what I plan for in my mind and never write down so I remember what I wish to do next.
Such as replacing my Bosch WAE24470GB washing machine's motor brushes(the new brushes need sanding, they're a little bit too wide), setting up an account so I can seek help for my Hoovermatic(because I'm getting no sufficient help at all), and other things which I can't remember immediately.
Overall, in other things, this year has been crap just like the rest of the years since 2015. I've lost my maternal Grandfather, I've lost Wallace, and I've lost another beloved domestic duck of mine. My paternal grandfather's wife's border collie also disappeared from existence this December. And other irreversably terrible things have happened this year that can only be reversed by time traveling and changing the past, if only that were possible.
But honestly being mortal is crap and I freaking hate how immortality, time travel and changing the past aren't possible. IT'S WHAT I HATE MORE THAN ANYTHING.
All I have really been doing this year is:
Taking too long to finish a commentary which shows why I'm passionate about vintage ski lifts and why they should not be destroyed after they've been replaced by modern ones which I hate(this commentary also explains why the modern lifts really are absolute garbage).
Seeing some ancient gothic cathedrals. Winchester, Chichester, Exeter, Canterbury, and Wells, to name a few.
Dismantling my washing machines to repair them, repairs of which are still not finished.
But I DID get my driving license this year. I now drive my mother's old Mini Cooper R50 from 2005 after everything important simply broke down. I considered paying for the repairs and Mum later suggested the same, so I did. My mother then went and got herself a Mini Cooper S F56, much newer, and much faster and more powerful.
I'm only keeping the Cooper R50 for Mum's sake because I knew how much she loved it. Stupidly however I've minorly crashed it at slow speeds twice this year, only cosmetically(but quite significantly) damaging it really but I'm still disappointed in myself for "pranging" it in the first place.
I'd like an E type in all honesty although I can say I have developed a thing for Minis. My Aunt's Italian husband has one from 1991 which was taken to the Goodwood Mini Parade in August 28 2022.
As of most recently I have sadly had to say bye bye to my beloved geese and ducks for a very long time, until February next year. I'm in Cornwall for 1 or 2 months(beginning December 25). As much as I love Cornwall, I hate the thought of leaving my beloved Honkers, Squawkers and Quackers behind, to only rarely see them, if at all in the future... in the event I end up moving to the middle of Southern Britain or Cornwall or somewhere like that.
I've forgotten to pay tribute as well(out of daydreaming too much) to write community posts for the geese who were lost on October 17, 2020, December 1, 2020, and December 23, 2021, so I shall pay tribute to them here... I wish no animals or innocent things were ever mortal or physically vulnerable in the first place if I may be completely honest.
They should all still be here, alive, and immortal. But nature doesn't care about what's right, does it?
Anyway, here's one of my last pictures of the birds prior to leaving for Cornwall, where I am right now.
I don't have much hope for 2025 if I may be honest, based on how awful everything is and has been with mortality and physical vulnerability existing, and with me overthinking and not doing enough of anything, especially to save the old European ski lifts from being destroyed. I do at least want to try to make it less bad than the past nearly 10 years have been for me, beginning in 2015 when Val D'Isere was molested by corporate freaking tyrants and their crappy money-making modern piece of crap lifts.
CBF1, December 31, 2024 - January 1, 2025. What hope is there for me honestly?
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So 2 days ago was officially the 8TH ANNIVERSARY since I begun looking after who would become the birds that I love most of all. It is also when I first met HM Supreme Lord Timothy and his fellow brother and his 6 sisters. My mother called his brother "The Chief", so he's been referred to as that ever since.
To celebrate I had a great but late in the daytime feeding party to celebrate all those years I had with all of my beloved geese and ducks. Sadly I can really in a way only say geese because Timothy was the last of the muscovy ducks and he died in February 9 3 years ago.
And in response to my last community post, where I said the Yellow-Beaked Cayuga couldn't be found anywhere since the beginning of July this year(2024), I sadly can confirm that in addition to Wallace disappearing back in April that the last-remaining of what used to be 3 Yellow-Beaked Cayuga ducks has too died. July 5 this year, he was found nonexistent by one of my friends who patrols in the night time where my birds live.
So not only do we have no more muscovy ducks, but no more domestic ducks either.
All the ducks that are left are the mallards, with one black mallard who is probably a hybrid and also isn't a domestic duck, who has been with us since October 2021. I can't really tell the mallards apart by their identity unlike I can with Greylag and Canada Geese. Except we DID also have in addition to the small black mallard a strange mallard who was longer than everyone else and had no brown chest unlike an ordinary mallard(and he had bits of beige on his feathers which suggest that his father was one of the 2 ducks of the 2nd flock of Khaki Campbell ducks we've had over the years), and he sadly disappeared shortly after Wallace did too as far as I remember.
All geese do have different faces and different body shapes, whether greylag or canada. Greylags can have varying colour tones around their face, and occasional white bits around the edges of their beaks, while Canada geese are mostly indifferent in colour. I can still identify the canada geese by their face shapes and body shapes.
I can't do that with the mallards. So in THAT way, I can only say geese when I say I was celebrating my 8th year with my ducks and geese. Because the domestic ducks and Muscovy ducks were the only ones I could tell apart from each other.
In addition to my 8th anniversary with my birds, unfortunately tonight is the 8th anniversary since the VERY FIRST bird loss happened. It was The Chief, Timothy's one and only brother, who is the black Muscovy with the white head and red-pinkish face. This is the only picture that I have of all 8 of the Muscovies and it was photographed by my mother on the very same day I first met all 8 of them and begun seeing the birds regularly(November 23 2016).
He just disappeared, on November 25, 2016, and was never seen again. The same thing happened to all of the 6 sisters over the next 2 years, not Timothy however as I said previously, although he still is no longer, well, erm... existent, either, as much as I loathe to say that and base that upon real facts.
If only immortality, time travel, and a way to change the past existed. Survival and being mortal is the worst thing, and it's always more trouble than it's worth, it always has been and it always will be.
Goodness forbid the impossibility of time travel, changing the past and immortality, because only with those things can peace be of any possibility.
CBF1, November 25, 2024.
7 - 14
So yesterday was Charles III's 76th birthday, and today is the 47th birthday of Elizabeth II's first grandchild as well(Peter Phillips).
Still don't know what to make of the monarchy, I do. I can say it's interesting because it's people get up to all sorts of mischief, in short: drugs, alcahol, porn(seriously don't do any of this unhealthy and inappropriate crap), adultery, family feuds, gambling, overspending of money, all that crap, and much more crap honestly too.
And even beheading back in the day, especially during a certain Tudor king's time.
But really I'm wondering whether they(the monarchy) are innocent or not. They are a governmental institution, and I know governments to have done tyrannical favours for tyrannical corporate companies, constantly intervene in people's lives and dictate to people what they can and can't do, make things more complicated than necessary for money(for them, and for any tyrannical corporate entities who pay them into making such unnecessary overcomplications) and threaten people with arrest for as retarded of reasons such as not doing things the way corporate-paid governments want people to do things.
All in all, republic governments are complete sh*t, and I myself have seen enough to draw that conclusion. I can't decide whether the monarchy is as I don't really have any conclusive evidence against them or something. I'd have to look behind the walls of their palaces to see if they are.
But who is allowed to see the Buckingham Palace files or something? Not the public...
I don't know the monarchy to be tyrants either. They either have lost all of, or a lot of their political power, ages ago, after tyrannical kings like Henry VIII and Charles I, both of whom were complete self-entitled narcissists, had screwed people's lives up who weren't deserving of having their lives screwed up in the ways that they had(although so far I have not read enough about Charles I yet, I have heard of his "divine right of kings" BS and him disregarding his parliament and crap like that).
I can say that Henry VIII definetely wasn't innocent at all, and I'm quite sure that Charles I wasn't either. Otherwise he(Charles I) wouldn't have been beheaded if I may be completely honest(still currently haven't heard enough about him).
Yesterday also would have been the 45th birthday of Steve Cash(Talking Kitty Cat creator), but he had bipolar disorder and decided to, and did end his existence back in April 2020.
Another community post will be underway soon within the coming days. Quite a bit has happened since I last posted, both good and unsurpassably bad, and I haven't been able to post lately because I've been having RAM(Random Access Memory, a computer part which defines the computer's performance, something along those lines) problems.
I am more than determinded to see if anyone in the monarchy is indeed innocent, or innocent enough to really deserve peace. It is an absolute clownshow from what I have heard of so far, and also seen, to some extents I suppose.
CBF1, November 14 - 15, 2024.
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The tragic disappearance-from-existence anniversary of the goose who is at the front of this picture was yesterday.
4 years, and I remember everything that happened. Sick for months, it only got fatal on July 28 2020 when I last ever saw her. I knew something was going on when she had a massive hole in her backside after almost certainly poorly laying an egg.
She and another goose were the sisters of who is now the only remaining female goose in Chatterbox's Patrolling gang(who is the goose furthest behind the other 3 in front, at the farthest left. The other sister only ever appeared on YouTube once, in my "Feeding Muscovy ducks and Greylag geese" video uploaded on January 23 2017, very shortly after becoming interested in waterfowl. She has appeared in other recordings of mine which have never seen the public eye(and may never see the public eye, although that is entirely incertain), but a few weeks or months later she had disappeared. I know it was early 2017 when the other sister disappeared, I don't precisely know the exact date. At latest early Spring 2017.
The goose at the front of this picture stayed at their(my geese's) place of residence for several years up until that fateful day in July 4 years ago. A day which I wish I never had to hate, I wish I never had to hate any day.
The recent fact also, that the Yellow-Beaked Cayuga duck, who has been there all the time I've ever been looking after all of my birds, has not been seen at all since the beginning of this July, and throughout the last 3 times I saw him he had a scruffy neck and a weird eye, is making existence in this crappy world, and this crappy realm of existence, for that matter, worse, and all the more worse, once again.
I wish more than anything, literally anything, that immortality, invincibility, indestructibility, and a way of time travel and changing the past, existed all together, and I am absolutely certain that if they did, there would be eternal peace, happiness, and freedom, the things that are desired by everyone and everything who and that are innocent, including me... more than anything.
Even geese themselves desire peace. Animals don't want to hurt, and some humans do want to hurt, which is why I prefer animals to humans.
Nothing, no one and nobody would ever have to survive and put up with all of Nature's bull-S-word, everyone and everything would just be able to live in eternal peace, and be free of all worries, as how they all have always and forever desired to, and how they all forever and always will desire to, more than anything else, quite literally, ever.
Immortality, invincibility, indestructibility, time travel, and changing the past really are the only ways towards eternal peace for all. All scars upon those who have been hurt, including me, will be permanently erased from existence, and everyone will be able to live in peace with what and who they love and will never live without the lives nor existences of.
May goodness successfully and permanently overthrow all evil(as it has currently never done, not even once), and may immortality, invincibility, indestructibility, time travel, and changing the past be brought upon all who and that are innocent, and all who and that are innocent enough to deserve peace.
CBF1, July 29 - 30, 2024.
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As I am a month late to make a community post regarding the anniversary since the Swan's relocation, I suppose I might as well do it now(July 5 2024). Coincidentally I made the announcement that it was relocated the day after it was relocated(June 4, 2020). It was sent to a swan sanctuary. Despite I miss it very much indeed, I am happy that it was simply sent elsewhere where it can thrive. Had I ever found out it's gender, and if it were a male, it would be named Frederick. A lack of experience with Swans restricts my ability to identify a Swan's gender by it's physical stature(and without exposing it's genitals) sadly.
June 3 this year also marks 5 years since I broke the music box of my 16th cuckoo clock trying to fix it without a clue about how precise music boxes are. What I can say is that from my experience, and in general, music boxes are far more precise than clock mechanisms, and their parts are far smaller, more like a mechanical pocket watch or something. For my 18th, my grandfather bought me an expensive pocket watch with my name engraved on it, and it is just as, if not more precise.
Even after 5 years, that music box is still not fixed, it costs a freaking fortune to have one fixed and there are literally only 2 restorers of music boxes in the whole of the UK. One in Rye(Stephen Kember), and the other in Winchcombe(James Preddy, who is known as "The Music Box Restorer" on YouTube). Kember does have his own videos on YouTube but he hasn't uploaded in several years. From what I remember one of his most noticed videos was titled "Penny in the Slot Polyphon".
I haven't played it in 3 years either to preserve it so a new comb can be made eventually, in case I've accidentally screwed over the original one. Can't remake the comb if all the teeth break off of the original comb now, can anyone honestly?
Better refrain from ever using it then, especially when the comb is too close to the cylinder(which it is, and it is my fault entirely, very few people have any idea how tiny all of the adjustments need to be, and I am one of such few from experience) and plucks the teeth too far forward.
I pray that I do get it fixed eventually, one way or another, and that time travel, changing the past, and immortality, invincibility and indestructibility will be of complete possibility. It is the only way there will ever be peace for all who and that are innocent, and all who and that are innocent enough to deserve immortality and peace.
CBF1, July 5, 2024. 1 month and 1 day after the 4th anniversary since the Swan's relocation to a swan sanctuary.
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My old neighbors have suffered an animal tragedy as well. Their beloved hound, who may have been a Catalan Sheepdog(he was described as a Spanish sheepdog by his owners), named Harley, has also disappeared from existence recently, as of this year or last year. I don't know the date. Either way it was recent. He was one of the 2 Hounds featured in my video(the other, the black labrador, known as Her Royal Houndness the Lady Skye) which at the time of typing this is titled "Angery Doggos" which I am planning to change to something such as "Displeased Hounds" or similar.
He came over to the house where I grew up a number of times for occasions when my neighbors were out elsewhere or something like that, and these neighbors were next door to my house so I saw him a lot. He often demanded ear massages(and made it known) and would sometimes have what we called a "funny 5 minutes" when he was staying at the house of my growth from infant to teenager, where he would storm out into the backyard and attack either the garden sofa or one of our plastic buckets which he ultimately, and hilariously, completely destroyed with his own teeth!
But either way, whether or not I was close to him(which I was), he was an animal, and no animal ever deserves to be mortal in my book, or more honestly and truthfully EVER AT ALL, to be completely honest. All that any animals want is peace, and that sadly is not always the case with humans.
May Harley, and all who and that are innocent, who and that have been lost from life and existence, be restored into life and existence with time travel and immortality, for that is the only way eternal peace can ever be of any possibility of assurance in any ways, shapes, or forms, by any means, at any times.
CBF1, June 29, 2024, coincidentally on the 515th disappearance anniversary of Margaret Beaufort(Henry VII's mother, 31/05/1443 - 29/06/1509).
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I'm 2 days overdue, but June 25 this year marked the 8th year of no Tilly, the cat on the left of this picture. Coincidentally also 15 years with no Michael Jackson, and 491 years with no Mary Tudor(Henry VIII's younger surviving sister post-infancy), though I am inconclusive about and neutral to both of them.
My Aunt's husband's mother also disappeared from existence this June 23rd as far as I remember, at the age of 97. Despite I never met nor knew her, her son is truly someone who I cherish and regard deeply.
Circa 2000 - 2016.
1926 - 2024.
Her Royal Houndness the Lady Skye is 11 years of age this year and unlike Tilly had the best possible beginning in life. She was constantly looked after and treated well, and had her parents to take care of her when she was an infant(her mother is still existing today, she's nearly 17!)as opposed to poor Tilly who was born a stray cat and only became more healthy when my mother got her, in which then, she was a sickly cat. She lived happily for many years on until her mobility decreased(but only to the point where she stopped going outside the house) and she began having bad fits, 2 occasions of which I remember she spat blood. Ultimately in June 2016, a final stroke cost Tilly her existence.
This realm of existence is just too intolerable for me. If there wasn't mortality and physical vulnerability, and if there were time travel, a way of changing the past, immortality, invincibility, and indestructibility, I know for a fact there WILL be peace for ALL. I've thought about this to great depths, and I know with all my heart that is the only way towards eternal peace. The only currently sadly impossible way, and goodness knows if said impossibility will ever change. May the true way towards peace brought upon all who and that are innocent enough to be deserving of it all, and upon those who are willing to repent for any unforgiveable sins in which they have committed.
CBF1, June 27 - 28, 2024.
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It is the anniversary of Charles III's coronation today. It was a spectacle, despite the fact that I am inconclusive about the monarchy, and DEEPLY HATE centralization and central hierarchies. The reasons are complicated and in the future I will explain them in a video. It is possible that I may upload soon because I am having problems with my Hoovermatic 3174 twin tub and I need someone to help me address them, out of my own stupidity.
2 days ago was also the 5th anniversary of the Black and White Female Unnamed Cayuga Duck's arrival. I recorded it just as it happened on video too, she originally came with another male but completely black cayuga duck. He was almost immediately assaulted by the original Khaki Campbell ducks, and Wallace too, who was under their thumb at the time to be honest. This male cayuga duck disappeared the next day out of his own fear.
The female black and white Cayuga, who has never had a name, is sadly not here today to celebrate her 5th arrival anniversary, having disappeared around November 30 last year.
I can sadly confirm that Wallace is gone too because I haven't seen him at all since before April 9 this year, coincidentally on the first anniversary since Scotty disappeared. After the black and white duck disappeared he was always with the Yellow-Beaked Cayuga as all 3 of them along with Scotty and Doris were inseperable friends for 3 years, until Scotty disappeared... then Doris shortly after, then the Black and White female cayuga in around November 30, and lastly Wallace himself just before April 9 this year.
Wallace came with Scotty, Doris, and Scotty's sister who disappeared only a month after their arrival, in September 2018. When the Khaki Campbells took Doris over for the Spring of 2019 as how ducks normally always fight for domination over a female, Wallace would never stop trying to get Doris back. He had to fight twice for Doris, the first time against the original Khaki Campbell ducks, the second time against Scotty and the Yellow-Beaked cayuga duck. After then, they changed their ways and remained a flock of 5 duck friends forever as stated earlier.
He was quite a good duck as he and Scotty and the Yellow-Beaked cayuga stopped attempting to rape any female ducks for pleasure at all, instead only doing it to both female AND male ducks who invaded their territorial boundaries, or sometimes to Doris and the Black and White female cayuga although that's only because they are their friends and Doris once decided herself to be a duck WH-word with the other ducks, but he was a bit incestuous.
Ducks don't really know any boundaries to inappropriate shenanigans and they will do it even with their own siblings probably, at least it's been my belief all these years that Wallace and Doris were siblings. They were incestuous as I would often see that Wallace did inappropriate shenanigans with Doris very often.
Life can only be NOT crap WITH time travel and immortality. Let goodness always prevail in the end, goodness knows if it ever will.
CBF1, May 6, 2024.
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2024 has not been a good year for mechanical music enthusiasts either and neither has April 2024. Matthew Caulfield, who worked at Seabreeze Amusement Park's carousel up until the 2010's, who was the former curator of and who was responsible for the recuts of several original Wurlitzer 165 rolls, of which some of those original rolls have been lost to the Seabreeze Carousel Fire in March 1994(Seabreeze had some unique original Wurlitzer-cut rolls prior to the fire), Bill Nunn, who is a band organ collector in Skyrock Farm, and who also owns the Marenghi which played Bohemian Rhapsody, and Tim Trager, who is a band organ collector and dealer or broker(or something like that because several different mechanical music machines from several different collections are listed for sale on his website), and who owned the Wurlitzer 157 that has now been sold to the Volo Auto Museum, have all been lost this year.
Caulfield was already a fragile old man, Nunn apparently had a what was said to be massive heart attack, and Trager was only 66 upon his death. I do not know the death causes of either Caulfield or Trager.
Nunn's collection will probably remain as it is(in Skyrock Farm, Medina, Minnesota, and Trager's partial or entire collection or something like that, including his Wurlitzer 157, has now been sold to the Volo Auto Museum where it has been loaned on public display for a little over 3 years.
William "Bill" Lee Nunn, 30/05/1949 - 22/01/2024.
Timothy "Tim" Trager, 04/04/1958 - 11/04/2024.
Matthew Caulfield, 1933 - 16/04/2024.
May the spectacular music of which they have helped to preserve continue to be heard by the ears of all innocents to come.
CBF1, April 30, 2024.
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Most of what you will see on this channel are based upon my interests or my own free will.
My passions and interests are rare, and I have several, most often clocks, bells, washing machines and tumble dryers, vintage ropeways/ski lifts(the modern 6 to 10 seater ones are awful), and most importantly Waterfowls, mostly ducks, swans and geese.
I am mostly a lowkey person... I like things calm, composed and not over the top. My music taste is also very rare, as I have a very strong addiction to Fairground/Band Organs, mostly those from the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company(North Tonawanda, New York, United States) and Andreas Ruth & Sohn(Waldkirch, Black Forest, Germany).
My music taste extends also to music boxes, and either orchestral or symphonic music, and I mostly do not like singing either. I have made a few exceptions for some artists or songs.