This channel is no longer active anymore.
Thankyou for watching.
I left YouTube because:
1: I lost motivation to make any more videos
2: There's too much drama going on
3: The Vyond Community, do I need to explain why
4: Users fighting all the time, and it just doesn't stop
5: People Commit crimes, such as dox, assault, or hack people, which is illegal
6: People have been making other users feel suicidal
7: People offending other people's disabilities (including mine, since I have Autism)
8: Too much cyberbullying going on
9: Users getting permanent hatebases and it just doesn't stop, which makes me depressed
10: Users becoming traitors, perverts, pedophiles, doxxers, murderers, etc.
I have now officially started my College Career from September 2023 and now I started my now job, and I'll also start a new Career on my lifetime, and I'll be happy about my Career that I'm going to start, as I got a Second-degree on 5/11/24
This channel is now a dead-topic user
Thankyou... and Goodbye!