Maltese And Proud 🇲🇹
English 🇬🇧: Welcome to my channel! I provide a variety of videos just for you to watch! I don't force you to subscribe, but if you do so anyway, I appreciate it. I mostly upload Roblox related videos whenever I get the chance. I hope you like the videos that I provide just for you to see that I put some effort into.
Malti 🇲🇹: Merħba fil-channel tiegħi! Nipprovdi varjetà ta' vidjows biss biex inti tista' tara! Ma nġiegħlekx biex tagħel subscribe, imma jekk tagħmel hekk xorta, napprezza. L-aktar intella' vidjows relatati ma' Roblox kull meta jkolli ċ-ċans. Nispera li jogħġbok il-vidjows li nipprovdi biss għalik biex tarahom li nagħmel xi effort fihom.