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CA CS Yogita Harjani

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Hi, My name is Yogita Harjani. I am a qualified CA & CS havi

CA CS Yogita Harjani
2 weeks ago - 61 likes

"A Focused Fool Can Accomplish More than A Distracted Genius" 💭

CA CS Yogita Harjani
4 months ago - 1.1K likes

When I was studying for my CA & CS Exams, one of my most used quotes was "If you want to achieve something you have never achieved before, you have to DO something you have never done before"
It worked like magic! 💫
The thing is that as long as we keep preparing the same way, we will attract the same kinda result. If we want more marks, we have to IMPROVE our preparation formula. ❤️
But How Exactly? 🤔
Well, if a student gets 35-45 MM in a subject, my experience says that they must have done 70-80% syllabus well, revised 1.5-2 times maybe, solved question orally & done one or two past exam papers max.
It might seem alot of study to some students. You might feel you have done every thing in your power and still couldn't Crack the exam. Maybe the exam is messed up. 😢😕
But this can't be further from the truth. The right way to approach this situation is to see it for what it really is! 🤔🤓
You Studied X Hrs & you got Y result.
To fetch more Marks than Y, you just increase Hours of study (>X) + QUALITY of those hours.
For that you can finish 100% syllabus this time (rather than 80%), you can revise 2-3 times decently, practice questions in your own hand & solve a whole question bank per subject.
If Only you are willing to work again and work harder this time! 😇
Yogita 😊

CA CS Yogita Harjani
4 months ago - 123 likes

Let's discuss the Visualization Secret behind top 5% Students Who Pass. ✨
Link is in the pinned comment. 😊✨

CA CS Yogita Harjani
5 months ago - 938 likes

One most important value of someone who passes this exam is that they can sacrifice current feelings and wants with the knowledge that future will have all the pleasures they desire.
Its like, You either enjoy now and suffer later, or you suffer now and enjoy later.
In another word, Discipline! 🤓
You can almost guarantee success when it becomes a mundane routine to spend the whole day in only study and nothing else.... When anything other than books, only feels like a distraction & "No" becomes the obvious answer.... When this Course becomes your obsession as if your breath depends on it.... When even breaks are taken so the mind can become productive again (& not for enjoyment)...
-Yogita ❣️

CA CS Yogita Harjani
5 months ago - 714 likes

Honest Valentines Day Feelings while Preparing for Exams 😂😂

CA CS Yogita Harjani
5 months ago - 1.3K likes

& Yet the toughest part of this journey is dealing with the inner demons.... The Fear of whether it will work out this time or not?.... The temptations .... The laziness .... The overthinking... The stress.. The comparisons!
For most of us giving this exam, I've noticed, we have a negative self talk pattern. I remember when i was in CA Inter, everyone around me said that it's a really hard exam and no one passes. So, I made a conscious decision to avoid anyone who talks like that. One of my close friends' name was saved as "Danger" in my phone cuz she always talked negatively. 🤣
Point being, this was useful to pass both groups in one go. This one thing I have noticed in every one of my students who passes the exam too. 📚👍
And many students who are stuck in aggregate or just few marks short, who truely deserve to pass.... I've seen it's their mindset that blocks them from succeeding. They talk negatively to themselves when no one is watching or hearing them. "I didn't meet my deadline" "I can't remember what I studied". "I made such silly mistake" "I wasted time" "I am too old now to be a CA"
All Non Sense!!
Its only true for you cuz you repeat it so many times to yourself...
Think about it!
-Yogita ❤️

CA CS Yogita Harjani
5 months ago - 28 likes

How many average hours are you Studying daily these days? 😊

CA CS Yogita Harjani
5 months ago - 11 likes

Have your completed classes for May 24 exams? 😊

CA CS Yogita Harjani
5 months ago - 831 likes

Why do you want to pass this exam?
No, really! Why??
Is it to impress the world? (cuz the world really just likes gossip. They will talk for two minutes and move on, be it your success or your failure. You can never fully satisfy them.)
Is it to earn money? (cuz now I have realized that money can be earned by infinite ways if you just start)
I feel the reason needs to go deep into your soul. The exam is too difficult & stressful for superficial reasons.
Like, maybe you want to provide for your family. That's a solid reason.
Or maybe you love tax and accounts and being a CA is your calling. That's again great.
Maybe you are a lady and want to feel empowered in this world. Again, a great reason.
The right reasons will give you power to survive the pain of hard work & sacrifice. It will make you value your degree.
So let me ask you again, what's your "Why" ❤️

CA CS Yogita Harjani
5 months ago - 619 likes

We often over think so much on why we didn't get enough marks to pass in last exam.
Well, for majority cases, the Solution is simple.
We just need to work harder and learn better this time 😊
We need to skip lesser topics and practice more questions.
We need to watch less revision lectures and read more of the actual book.
We need to stop looking for shortcuts and go the extra mile 👍