Welcome to Saleem Mastan Official YouTube channel
Saleem Mastan who holds a BS-CS degree has been reciting Soz Khuwani and Manqabat khuwani since 2005 and also reciting Ziarat e Ashura (Masaib). For his amazing vocals he has been invited to recite in the glory of Masoomen and Ahlebait a.s in many of the holy shrines and all over the world.
Saleem Mastan having inspiration from one of the most respected and honorable Soz Khuwan Prof. Shaheed Sibte Jaffer Hussain Zaidi.
The only perspective of this channel is promote the teachings of Ahlebait a.s and Our Masoomeens through the Art of Soz O Manqabat Khuwani.
Please do SUBSCRIBE and press the BELL icon so you never miss any of our Newly uploaded Kalaam's.
میرے لئے تکلیف وہ فرماتے ہیں
آ آ کے مجھے خواب میں سمجھاتے ہیں
تم مرثیہ پڑھنے کو جہاں جاتے ہو
ہم مرثیہ سننے کو وہاں آتے ہیں
استاد قمر جلالوی صاحب