Welcome to my channel! Thanks for stopping by. I'm Julie-Anne, and I hope you'll subscribe and stay tuned. Here, you'll find a mix of content, including beauty, health, organization, life after menopause, cleaning, and travel. I'll also be sharing my personal journey of recovering from surgery and living with the BRCA 1 gene. If there's anything specific you'd like to see, let me know!
I upload new videos once a week
Exciting news – I'm also bringing my TikTok account ⛔️@staysafewithmjules⛔️here! Keep an eye out for videos and shorts where I'll be sharing online safety tips, stories of online scams, and my personal encounters with scammers.
If you need to reach out to me for help and support because you or someone you know is being scammed you can contact me in the following ways 👇 Stay safe and enjoy the content!