As we take a closer look, at the reason why we are here. I, Theodore White, see a Different Path ahead.
The steps to Financial Freedom don't come through building up Great Riches.
It comes from helping yourself and others Renew their Mind, which will lead to the Best Self-Image, Mindset and Paradigm.
We invite you to come to join us on a Journey to "Build a better version of the Best You."
Granted this is Going to be a Brand New Adventure. Thus Allowing you to change from that Negative Nelly to a Supremely Positive Being with an Extremely Positive Mental Attitude.
Therefore we will not have the Same Goals as Before. But a New End Goal of Achieving Great Financial Gains through Positive Changes/Life Purpose.
Join us on this journey. You will see how we can help ourselves be the best and then better. We can't wait to share all this Great Knowledge with You.
We're not only going to learn it. We're going to apply it. Then we're going to see the Magic Unfold, One day at a Time.