Join us to make India healthier & happier! 🌟 It's our Habitual Development Awareness Program. 🌱 Together, let's make a difference!
Welcome to the Eat Play Read YouTube channel, the ultimate destination for those seeking a
healthier and happier lifestyle. Founded by Aparna Shah, our mission is to make India, a
Healthier and Happier Nation. We believe that by integrating the principles of "Eat, Play, Read"
into our lives, we can discover the boundless potential within us and positively impact our
A Balanced Lifestyle Is A Key To a Healthier India
Join our YouTube channel for inspiring content, expert advice, and practical tips to transform
your life and the lives of those around you. Let's create a healthier, more literate world together
and build a brighter future for future generations.
Remember, the choices we make today shape our tomorrow. So, start your journey towards a
healthier and happier you with Eat Play Read. Together, let's make a difference.