in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
🌈Helllooo ! Currently, im crazy fixated on my little pony again, and have one more “edgy” series I wanna talk about before moving onto other videos, but i understand that some y’all might not want to see another mlp video after the tamers vid (even tho i did exactly that early last year with the MLP Infection trends but shhh we wont talk abt that)
So i wanna ask you all what you think! Btw if you have any other video suggestions put them in the comments im so willing to listen, current backlog of ideas are more summaries/rambles of things i like (these arent mlp related I SWEAR) , a few art related videos, and STREAMSSA when i finally feel like doing it bc lowkey i dont care much for streaming rn LOL
72 - 4
The tamers video is already doing so much better than i was expecting, thank you all so much!
Because we did reach 1k likes, i will be making a elements of insanity video soon, but dont bug me about it lol
Also i got my carrd up and running, so if u want to join the discord, donate, or send something silly or a question on my straw page, here u go!
Have a good day everypony, I will be seeing you all very soon !
243 - 9
EDIT: current thumbnails are place holders while I’m making a new one, because goodness gracious they’re both incredibly ugly, i’m just too tired and been working on this video for too long to care but I guess I’ll have to care now 😭
Hey guys guess what,,,, new 48 video,,,
This video is silly i swear but for any subs who are younger or more sensitive pls do not watch it, for one it just wont make either of us comfortable but 2 my target audience with this video is ppl who are mature at the very least (mature doesnt have to be adult it can be teen too! But Yk just have an open mind)
But yea go crazy if you need me i’ll be in hell
224 - 3
Yo! Ive been hard at work on a crazy long mlp video, however its not regular mlp, think something like but WORSE and im recapping all of it!
This video is one of the very few id suggest mature audiences watch since of hoW vulgar it is, Ik some of u might be thinking “its mlp it cant be that bad”, you’d be so wrong 😭
197 - 3
Justice for cockandballtorture6969
They did it, they took away my boys freedom, im actually really upset but i made a discord announcement going into the bulk of it, so here it is
Discord announcement:
very real talk, im not doing to good rn, i dont like coming here or anywhere (besides twt LOLL) and saying that but im not at all
Im not going to go into the whole nitty gritty but life is getting very real in the worst way possible! Like im trying to apply to colleges and i might be able to graduate sooner than expected, and js some other issues im trying to work out not letting me catch a break
But to add onto my stress, MY VIDEO GOT DEMONETIZED?? Crude humor is just not allowed on youtube even if its literally a stickman with some huge ass balls LMFAOA (also it took them 2 weeks to even clock me what was the point 😦)
Im more peeved about this if anything not dreadfully upset, but it reminded me to tell y’all that i do have a Kofi, its a donation website and u can chose how much money u want to donate or just follow the page, making content is my job rn so anything really does help
Im still working on videos, this isnt deterring me, i just have to switch gears slightly since the video i was working on is alot more vulgar, so ima cooldown,,, for now
Thank u for reading if u did read all of this ily :( ttyl
162 - 2
🌈JAMART - by Aph and Lex! Thank you guys sm! 🩷
I have a question everyone, since it seems a lot of you enjoy art related content, is there any specific video you’d like to see from me? Im actually so stoked you guys enjoy art and animations as besides commentary and streaming i LOVVVEEE creating art in any form!! <333 so now i know i actually have a slim chance of getting some of you interested in some projects ive been working on..
My only drawback is making DRAMA CONTENT, im highly aware it can get ton of views but also i dont want to be known for a drama i covered (again) that shit is stressful! Im okay with doing streams were the entire point is to gossip since it allows me to get all my words out but also talk to y’all individually, but other than that i am DONE making drama videos.
And again I have some video ideas in mind but they fall more into me going on a ramble about a passion project im working on and im scared nobody would care to watch it if i made it 😭 BUT IM GOING TO MAKE THE VIDEO ANYWAYS BC IM REALLY EXCITED TO SHARE WHAT IVE BEEN COOKING! RAAAH
Anyways thats all, tell me what you think!
Discord (like 2 or 3 people away from 600 members!) :
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01001101 01100001 01101010 00100000 01010100 01110101 01101110 01100101 01100001 01110000 00100000 00001010
(OOC: January 31st, check live tab ! Also thank you so much for 20k! I have so many feelings and words but ive been blowing up my discord being all sappy so i want to spare you all LOL, im really excited to continue making content and im glad you all like it too, I want to start doing more roleplay streams since i used to do them kinda??? So this is the first one with a new stream character, see you soonnnn)
206 - 7
🌈Good news then bad news!
Good news — IM OFFICIALLY BACK ON THE YOUTUBE GRIND! with TikTok being banned in the US as of today (the ban is temporary not permanent, but more than likely it will be for a few months) and with my schedule in school changing to something that’s not only simpler but allows me to still be social with my friends and keep my sanity, JAMMERS WE ARE SO BACK. currently working on multiple videos scripts right now but I’m prioritizing anything that I have more creative flow with! Next video will probs be an MLP video but the topic is a bit more raunchy…
Bad news — TIKTOK IS BANNED??! 42K JAMMERS GONE FOR NOW :( it’s upsetting, but I’ve already come to terms with the ban for a while, it just makes me frustrated because I use TikTok to find a lot of interesting topics, to connect with people, and most importantly, find you all. Now that TikTok is banned I just hope that any straggler jammers will be able to find me again, i’ll be wairinf.
Love u all lots n watch the new video (thx for the love on it btw!)
315 - 6
My birthday is tomorrow, January 15, I wish i could say i am excited because i was, im really happy to be turning 17 i didnt think id make it this far, however i just feel so much stress over the occasion.
I really want to chill and have fun with y’all, so i’ll stream the entire night on the 14th so at 12 we can all ding happy birthday !!
Also this is unrelated but a video is coming out, if you want more updates on stuff im doing (since ik im really quiet here) join the discord, its a calm server and im fairly active when i can be ! :D : jamcord:
See y’all soon and happy belated birthday to me
283 - 22
Closing out the year with one more stream after this, thank you all for an amazing year, heres to 2025 my 5th year vtubing YAYAYA! (And also my last year as a minor.. 😰)
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🌈Hiya Im Jam!
I make gaming, fandom content, and general Commentary videos, I hope you enjoy the ride!
subscribe to my second channel if you do want to see more variety from me such as art and shitpost lol
Stay safe !
📧 Business Email:
Pfp by t4ll1 on tiktok! Love you talli ! ❤️
‼️ HUGE DISCLAIMER : DESPITE MY CONTENT THIS CHANNEL ISNT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN!! 13+ and older please or those who are mature ‼️