Yow whatzzzup juandererz!!! Welcome to my channel!!! Sparrow Juander channel is about travel, food, tutorial, inspirational quotes and working on the vessel.
TRAVEL VLOGS - I like to explore some places together with my family and friends. Most of my travel videos are with my family and friends.
FOOD VLOGS - Eating! eating! eating! I have a huge appetite of foods! Who doesn't?
TUTORIAL VLOGS - Giving basic instruction on what to do and making videos out of it hoping that it might help others, Because honestly I still turn to youtube for instructions and tutorial.
INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES VIDEO - Sharing some inspirational quotes from other people that also inspired me.
SEAMAN'S LIFE VLOG - Sharing the glimpse of what is life on board the vessel.
Enjoy some of my videos Juandererzzz! and have and awesome day! Godbless...