in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Just filmed this short in -7°C. It is freezing here in Heidelberg!! #motheringermany #motherhoodingermany #parentallowance #elternzeit #elterngeld
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New short:
#childrensbooks #expatmother #motheringermany #paretingingermany #expatingermany #library #booksforchildren #lifeingermany #ingermanywithkids #withkidsingermany
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In the hustle of making a relevant impact during our lifetime, often we overlook the transformative power of love within your own four walls. The seeds of kindness, acceptance, and tolerance start growing in the fertile ground of childhood. A loving family becomes the foundation for a compassionate society. Love generates love, it's a ripple effect that starts with the ones closest to us. Being the example of acceptance and tolerance at home, we cultivate individuals who will one day be the future leaders or supporters of positive change. Our children are the next generation—let's empower them with the enduring strength of kindness 💕 #familyfirst #lovechangeseverything #bethechange #InternationalDayforTolerance
Na pressa de causar um impacto relevante durante a nossa vida, muitas vezes negligenciamos o poder transformador do amor dentro de nossas quatro paredes. As sementes da bondade, da aceitação e da tolerância começam a crescer no solo fértil da infância. Uma família amorosa torna-se a base para uma sociedade com compaixão. Amor gera amor, é um efeito cascata que começa com as pessoas mais próximas de nós. Sendo o exemplo de aceitação e tolerância em casa, cultivamos indivíduos que um dia serão os futuros líderes ou apoiantes de mudanças positivas. Os nossos filhos são a próxima geração – vamos capacitá-los com a força duradoura da bondade 💕 #familaprimeiro #amormudatudo #seramudanca
In der Hektik, zu unseren Lebzeiten einen bedeutenden Einfluss zu nehmen, übersehen wir oft die transformative Kraft der Liebe in unseren eigenen vier Wänden. Auf dem fruchtbaren Boden der Kindheit beginnen die Samen der Freundlichkeit, Akzeptanz und Toleranz zu wachsen. Eine liebevolle Familie wird zur Grundlage einer mitfühlenden Gesellschaft. Liebe erzeugt Liebe, es ist eine Wellenwirkung, die bei denen beginnt, die uns am nächsten stehen. Da wir zu Hause ein Beispiel für Akzeptanz und Toleranz sind, fördern wir Menschen, die eines Tages die zukünftigen Anführer oder Unterstützer positiver Veränderungen sein werden. Unsere Kinder sind die nächste Generation – stärken wir sie mit der dauerhaften Kraft der Freundlichkeit 💕 #familezuerst #liebeaendertalles #seidieVeraenderung
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🇬🇧 MY ACCENT IS MY SUPERHERO CAPE: NEVER LEAVES ME AND REMINDS ME HOW BRAVE I AM 💪 Learning isn't always easy, but my accent reflects the triumph over difficulties, a symbol of resilience. Each pronunciation, a victory lap. 🏆 Let's break the stigma surrounding accents – accent shame and bullying only dim the richness of our diverse linguistic landscape. 🚫 Embrace the beauty in our differences, for every accent tells a story of courage and determination. 💙✨ #accentpride #languagejourney #notoaccentshaming #
🇵🇹 O MEU SOTAQUE É MINHA CAPA DE SUPER-HEROÍNA: ESTÁ SEMPRE COMIGO E RELEMBRA-ME COMO SOU CORAJOSA 💪 Aprender nem sempre é fácil, especialmente a língua alemã, mas o meu sotaque reflete o triunfo sobre as dificuldades, símbolo de resiliência. Cada pronúncia, uma nova vitória. 🏆 Vamos acabar com o estigma à volta dos sotaques – a vergonha do sotaque e o bullying apenas diminuem a riqueza da nossa paisagem linguística diversificada. 🚫 Abracemos o explendor das nossas diferenças, pois cada sotaque conta uma história de coragem e determinação. 💙✨ #accentpride #linguagemjornada #sotaques
🇩🇪 MEIN AKZENT IST MEIN SUPERHELD-UMGANG: DER MICH NIE VERLÄSST UND MICH DARAN ERINNERT, WIE MUTIG ICH BIN 💪 Lernen ist nicht immer einfach, besonders lernen die deutschen Sprache, aber mein Akzent spiegelt den Triumph über Schwierigkeiten wider, ein Symbol für Belastbarkeit. Jede Aussprache eine Siegesrunde. 🏆 Brechen wir das Stigma rund um Akzente – Akzentscham und Mobbing trüben nur den Reichtum unserer vielfältigen Sprachlandschaft. 🚫 Akzeptieren ir die Schönheit unserer Unterschiede, denn jeder Akzent erzählt eine Geschichte von Mut und Entschlossenheit 💙✨
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It doesn't seem like such a big thing, but for me it is huge! 799 subscribers on YouTube, 799 persons that saw something on my "expat motherhood in Germany" content! One of the most challenging situations I have experienced so far. A big thank you to each one of you 🌟 I wish to further deliver interesting but mainly helpful content to all of you. Feel free to comment with your most wanted / needed information! 🙌 and see you on the next video! Adeus 🤗
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It is about to come out my new video. TONIGHT: 5 facts about Elternzeit in Germany, Parental leave in Germany!
I so looking forward to your thumbs up and comments :)
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NEW SHORT VIDEO: Elterngeld in Germany - A pain in the neck! But a huge benefit when comparing to many other countries, inclusive mine...Portugal.
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Being a mother abroad is challenging—especially in Germany, with its rules, bureaucracy, and cultural differences. I’m Marga, a migrant mother of two, living here for over a decade. Becoming a mother far from my cultural roots was a shock.
On this channel, I share practical tips, bureaucratic guides, and cultural insights to help expat, migrant, and international parents navigate parenting in Germany. From Elterngeld and Kita registration to cultural expectations and daily struggles, I’m here to support and empower you.
If you’re pregnant or raising kids in Germany, I’ve got you! Subscribe for essential info and real-life experiences.
Motherhood in Germany
mother in Germany
migrant parents in Germany
giving birth in Germany
parenting culture in Germany
Daycare in Germany
Education system in Germany
Schwangerschaft in Deutschland
pregnant in Germany
birth in Germany as a foreigner
Germany with kids
living in Germany
international moms in Germany