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Tony Huang

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我是Tony的自然人文旅記網站版主,現在也開始拍攝影片,分享我的登山旅行影片 我的網站: www.tonyhuang39

新竹市頭前溪出海口及竹港大橋 (Touqian River Estuary and Zhugang Bridge, Hsinchu City, Taiwan) #travel 新完工!八里米倉無限公園,270度環景平台欣賞淡水河風光 (Newly completed! Balimicang Park, a 270-degree panoramic platform) 新開幕~新店「十四張歷史公園」歷史建築園區 (Newly opened ~ Xindain "Shijuzhang Historyl Park" historic Building Park) 台灣農林銅鑼茶廠欣賞茶園風光 (Admire the tea garden scenery at Taiwan Nonglin Tongluo Tea Factory) #travel 走路不用10分鐘, 在天空賞桐~苗栗銅鑼天空之橋 (enjoy the tung flowers bloobing in the sky)#travel 搭電梯登「基隆塔」, 眺覽基隆港風光 (Take the elevator to the Keelung Tower and overlook the scenery of Keelung Port) 超大型郵輪停泊基隆港東岸旅客中心 (Ultra-large cruise ship docks at Keelung Port East Coast Visitor Center) #travel 「劉銘傳隧道」(獅球嶺隧道) 重新開放自由參觀, 週四至週日 09:00~17:00 ("Liu Ming Chuan Tunnel", Keelung City, Taiwan) #travel 有「吳哥窟秘境」之稱的獅球嶺東砲台 (Shiqiuling East Fort , known as the "Secret Attraction of Angkor Wat") #travel 「宜蘭最美寺廟」、「宜蘭版慶修院」~員山北后寺 (Yuanshan Beihou Temple) #travel 位於有「台灣亞馬遜」之稱的哈盆溪上游—福山植物園( Fushan Botanical Garden ) 新開幕, 總督府山林課宿舍群~0km山物所 (Newly opened, the Forestry Department Dormitories of the Governor's Office ) 基隆市唯一的海水浴場—大武崙海灘(The only bathing beach in Keelung City—Dawulun Beach) 走路60秒輕鬆抵達, 基隆外木山海龜岩 (Easily reach Keelung Waimushan Turtle Rock in 60 seconds on foot) 眺覽羅東運動公園虹明湖美景 (Overlook the scenery of Hongming Lake in Longdong Sports Park) 海拔1900公尺的觀雲棧道, 在太平山公路鄰旁的人行步道 (Quanyun Skywalk, Taipingshan) 名列全球最美的28條步道~太平山見晴懷古步道 (Jianqing Historic Trail, Taipingshan) 太平山~茂興懷舊步道, 搭乘蹦蹦車才能抵達的森林步道 (Maosing Reminicent Trail, Taipingshan) 行駛在海拔1900公尺的太平山蹦蹦車 (Running on the Taipingshan Bongbong Train at an altitude of 1,900 meters) 前衛的廟宇彩繪仙女 (新竹縣新埔鎮廣和宮) Avant-garde temple painted fairies (Guanghe Temple, Xinpu Town, Hsinchu) 新竹縣政府推薦「龍年」步道—「飛龍步道」, 又稱「蓮華山古道」(Flying Dragon Trail) 北投行義路磺溪溫泉區新完工的河岸步道 (Huangxi Hot Spring Riverside Trail) 300年歷史的「八芝蘭番仔井」(市定古蹟), 泉水清澈, 終年不竭 峨眉湖環湖步道「至真段」, 預計2026年「至真、至善、至美」三段全部完工 第一座國人自行設計興建的水庫—大埔水庫 (峨眉湖), 已變成布袋蓮水庫了 全世界最高的青銅彌勒大佛, 高72公尺, 倒影峨眉湖中 大笨鳥 (黑冠麻鷺) 是獵蚯蚓高手, 「守株待兔」連抓5隻蚯蚓 「豆留森林」, 典雅的日式庭園餐廳, 就隱身於熱鬧的街道旁, 也是一棟歷史建築 ("Cama Cafe", an elegant Japanese garden restaurant), 陽明山 「大衛小小羊餐廳」的可愛羊駝 (The cute alpaca at David& Alpaca restaurant) - 陽明山美軍宿舍群 福卯古道榕樹溪 [新北市貢寮區] (Fumao Historical Trail, Rongshu Creek [Gongliao District, New Taipei City] 原日本時代新城神社本殿, 現在是新城天主堂聖母園 (縣定古蹟) 舊蘇花公健行, 眺望烏石鼻及南澳海岸 (Hiking on old Suhua Highway) 花蓮市~佐倉步道觀景平台, 眺覽奇萊平原美景 花蓮市~撒固兒瀑布 (Sakul Waterfall) 祕境景點—仁安磚窯廠八卦窯(新竹縣關西鎮)Secret Attraction—Ren'an Brick Kiln Factory Bagua Kiln (Hsinchu County) 從大尖湖鎮福宮俯瞰大溪中庄, 宛如小型版的社子島 (Overlooking Zhongzhuang in Daxi from Zhengfu Temple in Dajianhu) 萬里昭靈宮, 特殊的「西歷一八三八年」古碑刻字 (special inscription on the ancient stele "1838 AD"), New Taipei City 瑪鋉溪步道親水平台 (新北市萬里區) (Masu River Trail Water Platform (Wanli District, New Taipei City) 萬里瑪鋉溪河口, 萬里海水浴場, 遠眺野柳岬 (The estuary of Wanli Masu River, Wanli Beach, overlooking Yeliu Cape) 萬里幸福廣場 (Wanli Happiness Plaza, Wanl District, New Taipei City) 北港女兒橋眺覽北港溪風景(Overlooking the scenery of Beigang River at Beigang Daughter Bridge) 縣定古蹟—北港水道頭文化園區十角水塔, 雲林縣北港鎮 (County-designated historic site—Decagonal Water Tower) 國定古蹟—北港朝天宮夜景 (National Historic Site—Beigang Chaotian Temple Night View) 縣定古蹟—百年虎尾糖廠鐵橋, 雲林縣虎尾鎮(County-designated historic site—100-year-old Huwei Sugar Factory Iron Bridge) 縣定古蹟—虎尾糖廠日式宿舍群 (Japanese-style dormitory group in Huwei Sugar Factory) 走往著名宜蘭抹茶山的林道, 很棒的森林浴 (Walking on the forest road to the famous Yilan Matcha Mountain) 寶山水庫環湖步道寶湖吊橋 (Baohu Suspension Bridge) 宜蘭礁溪最著名的風景區—五峰旗瀑布 (Wufenqi Waterfall)