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Abby London

447 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hey, I’m Abby London! 🎶 I write original indie pop songs ab

how are we supposed to live in this modern world #altpop #indiepopmusic #offthegrid #songwriter #us Afraid to let go but I didn’t fit in. #breakupsong #thebrokenhearted #codependent #altpop #indiepop I try to set my phone down but then I NEED it #technology #addicted #indiepopmusic #offthegrid #usa I have a love/hate relationship with the modern world 🌎 #indiepopmusic #altpop #offthegrid #lyrics It can be so hard #altpop #indiepop #breakupsong #indiemusic #toxicrelationships #songwriter #singer There are certain things that come from within & from God, not anyone else #singersongwriter #altpop What if we never changed? #better #singersongwriter #altindiealternative #indiemusic #introspection The most vulnerable song I’ve put out #wartopeace #altpop #singersongwriter #synthpopmusic #indiepop We buy stuff, ignoring the harm. My song dives into this. 🎶 #IndiePop #Anxiety #synthpop #poprock People have been calling Stay Holy by Abby London a new Christmas classic #christmasmusic Doing soundcheck for next Sunday’s show. Go to to get your ticket! #livemusic I’m voting yes on 2117 to get rid of the scam that is the climate commitment Act! Vote yes to pay less!!! A song about triumphing over trauma called War to Peace #wartopeacesong #altpop Poof he’s gone! #bidenharris #kamalaharris #election2024 #presidentialelection #trump2024 #maga Some people are still rocking their outdated signs. I saw some just this week. #biden #kamala #skit They left it a disaster! from #altpop song called Whisper by @abbylondonmusic Create the problem then offer the solution #governmentcorruption #bobferguson #attorneygeneral Search Abby London on Spotify & go 2 my artist pick 2 listen #altpop #americanmusic #spotifyplaylist Thanks for playing my music! so many choices out there #alternativepop #applemusic #spotify #altpop A song lyric for winners #backinthegame #altpop #indiepop #popsongs2024 #alternativepop #farkle #pop He just can’t wait to be King! I mean governor #bobferguson #parody #washingtonstate #governor Listen to Back in the Game! #altpop #singer WA state AG #BobFerguson sent checks to living & dead people #WAGovernorsRace #WashingtonElections You’re a mean one Cindy Lou!! #thegrinch #christmasparody Thanks for watching Ho Ho Ho that I made with @WeTheGoverned keep watching and sharing! WA state attorney general #bobferguson sues value village, loses, and gets counter sued #washington Is breathing 2nd hand fentanyl smoke bad for you? King county public health says ….Nope! #kingcounty Ranked Choice Voting explained (kidding) #rankedchoicevoting #politicalvideo #politicsjokes Little saying I like to tell myself set to my #offthegridsong Google says I’m a singer now! #singersongwriter #googlesearch King county elections synopsis #kingcounty #washingtonstate #2022elections #politics #voting Off the Grid is out now! It’s in the listening playlist on my profile. Check it out! #offthegridsong Off the Grid costume ideas from my song that is coming out on Friday! #halloween2022 #madmax #farmer I’m going off the grid with my new song that is coming out next week #offthegrid #abbylondon #altoop Lorenzo! Likes my new music video! #indiemusicvideo #hysteria #newmusicvideo If you like the truth check out this song called Hysteria by Abby London Hysteria by Abby London is out now!! Frustrated with the media and those who follow it without question? I made a song about it . Happy 4th of July! What it’s like in my county this year….#july4th #fireworks #happy4thofjuly When u 🚘 out of King County cuz u wont show papers #freedom #drive #patriots #kingcounty #mandates #letsgobrandon #letsgobrandondancechallenge #letsgobrandonchalenge Try and find me #surprise #hiding #bushes #newpopmusic I know that it’s wrong but I keep buying the products the chain is supplying How I run meme video for Bushes