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Pagan Orchestra from Belarus.

7 months ago - 139 likes

Just a little reminder that I have P a t r e o n you can subscribe if you like my music.

10 months ago - 100 likes

Here you can listen to all my unreleased music, as well as drafts of new songs from the new album. And also support my projects. Enjoy :)…

10 months ago - 332 likes

Greetings friends!
I recently discovered that my music can't be used in monetised videos. So I asked the distributor to fix this.
Now you can use my music in your youtube videos even if they are monetised. Go for it!

1 year ago - 38 likes

Выйшаў падкаст з аўтарам Dzivia, то-бок са мной. Можаце паглядзець :)

1 year ago - 108 likes

A song I've been working on for a long time, and there's still a lot of work to be done, has finally started to take shape. Subscribe to Patreon to see how my drafts turn into finished musical compositions.

1 year ago - 350 likes

Malimon — in the mythology of the Belarusian Polesie (Woodland) a huge fish that lives in the underground sea-ocean, which holds the land on itself, affecting floods and droughts.​​​‌​

​"​​‌‌​In Polesie, there are severe floods, but it's not Pripyat's fault.

People say that the entire Polesie land is held in place by a huge fish called Malimon who lives in an underground ocean-sea. Every seven years the fish resurfaces, then sinks to the bottom again. When Malimon comes up, the rivers overflow, and when it comes down, there are severe droughts".

BEL: Малімон — паводле міталёгіі Беларускага Палесся вялізная рыба, якая жыве ў падземным моры-акіяне і трымае на сабе ўсё Палессе, уплываючы на разлівы і засухі.

"На Палессі бываюць моцныя паводкі, але Прыпяць у тым не вінаватая. Кажуць, увесь палескі край на сабе трымае велізарная рыба Малімон , якая жыве ў падземным моры-акіяне. Адзін раз у сем гадоў яна то ўсплывае наверх, то зноў апускаецца на дно. Калі Малімон усплывае, тады рэкі выходзяць з берагоў, а калі апускаецца, бываюць моцныя засухі".​‌‌​‌‌​ ‌​‌‌‌‌

#dzivia_bestiary #mythology #slavicmythology #paganism #belarusianmythology #беларускаяміфалогія
#belarusianfolklore #беларускіфальклор ​​‌‌​‌ ​​‌‌‌​ ​‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​ ​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌​ ​​‌‌‌‌

1 year ago - 421 likes

Vargin. According to Belarusian mythology, a demonic black cat of enormous size, the king of the feline kingdom.
"Vargin was distinguished among other cats by his appearance: he was of enormous size, all black as pitch, his fur was shiny, soft and smooth, his tail was like a sable, and his eyes burned with fire".
According to Dzivia World, there can be many and different vargins. With different eye colors, just like other cats. But their fur always remains black, their size is huge, and their attitude towards people is very unfriendly.

BEL: Варгін. Паводле беларускае міфалогіі дэманічны чорны кот велізарных памераў, кароль кашэчага царства.
"Вызначаўся Варгі́н сярод іншых катоў сваім выглядам: ён быў велізарных памераў, увесь чорны, бы смоль, поўсць на ім аж блішчэла, была мяккая і гладкая, хвост, як у собаля, а вочы гарэлі агнём".‌‌‌‌
Паводле сусвету Дзівіі варгінаў можа быць шмат і розных. З рознымі колерамі вачэй, як і ў іншых катоў. Але поўсць іх заўсёды застаецца чорнай, памер велізарным, а стаўленне да людзей, вельмі нядобразычлівае.

#dzivia_bestiary #mythology #slavicmythology #belarusianmythology #беларускаяміфалогія

1 year ago - 50 likes

Sang a little for my patrons :)

1 year ago - 663 likes

I use Midjourney to make concepts for my Baltic-Slavic fantasy world, which I have been creating for many years and to which my project Dzivia is also dedicated (Dzivia is one of the female forest deities in this world).
The music of Dzivia is the soundtrack to my World.

Now I will show you some illustrations made by me with the help of AI and Photoshop. In order not to clutter this account with illustrations, I created a instagram dedicated to world of Dzivia:
Stories, illustrations, legends from real Belarusian mythology etc.

2 years ago - 90 likes

Friends, it happened! Release of the first EP of my noir dark jazz project.

I like to walk alone. But I walk not only in nature, where my thoughts are captured by the awareness of its greatness, and where I feel a connection with something truly ancient. I also like to walk around the city at night when there is no one left. This music came to my mind when I was walking around Minsk at night. It's inspired by Minsk at night: neon signs, half-empty bars, lonely streets of industrial districts.

I hope you will like it.