CactusLand is the YouTube channel for Robert Bonomo’s two films, Twilight of the Archons and The 21 Faces of God.
Twilight of the Archons critiques the materialist worldview with a strong emphasis on the meaning of consciousness and money. It features Joseph Campbell, Richard Werner and Rupert Spira among others.
The 21 Faces of God is a 27 part film that introduces the major arcana of the Tarot and then proceeds to explore each of the 22 cards in the major arcana, from The Fool through to The World.
Parts 1-5 explore the history of the major arcana as well the concepts of archetypes and duality in the cards. The structure of the cards is also explored, including their correlations to astrology and Pythagorean number theory. Parts 6-27 delve into the meaning of each card separately, placing the cards in context of the overarching narrative of the major arcana.
To see more about Robert please visit his website,