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RLM TV - Red Letter Ministries
Posted 2 months ago

The Black Stones of the Kelipot

The enemy is a master sorcerer, using God’s creation as his own temporary stolen kingdom. How does he do it? Come and see.

While I was on the elliptical, I had a vision of the black stones of the kelipot and the satans and their master sorcerers among the nations using the stolen knowledge of the Kabbalah of Moses for their wickedness.
The wicked have perfected all ten forms of magic arts listed in Leviticus 19-20 and in Revelation 9:21: “Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality, or their thefts.”

Christians have long harbored a deep aversion to the occult and all the mystic arts of the fallen angels, but we have understood very little of how the enemy actually works. Therefore, by much ignorance of the satans’ ways, they have ensnared believers around the world. Here’s how they do it: they move the boundary stones of Moses’ Torah through sin, both below and above. All sin leads to death, but when a human being volunteers to serve “alien gods,” the sinner can work with the “wickedness in heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Just as Israelites and Christians are called to be entirely above in the heavenly realm of Jacob’s Ladder, the angelic posts of the holy angels of Zion, so too do the wicked angels reside outside these rungs, stealing, killing, and destroying through their host vessels on the earth. The enemy must operate both above and below, just like Christianity works. When the enemy is successful in his plans, above and below, it places a curse on the ten boundary stones, our celestial luminaries. This is why most spiritual leaders during the Church Age have taught that the second heavens are evil. But now, we must remove that evil and make new heavens where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13).

Now to the vision on the elliptical. I saw how the perversion of creation by demons and wicked people partnered with demons ensnared all nations into tight boxes of thought and actions using their ten black stones above. They encase these kelipot stones by abusing Kabbalah in the most diabolical ways imaginable to most Christians. But the master sorcerers in the secret societies and deep-state rituals purposefully work with millions of satans in the heavens and demonic beings called “beasts” on earth to enforce this invisible prison system of thought and mind so the nations receive very little Truth or Shekinah from the third heaven of Jesus Christ’s kingdom of heaven. After seeing these sorcerer-constructed black stone prisons in all neighborhoods of the USA, I saw them in all nations and upon all peoples, in Europe, in Asia, and everywhere human beings were found. After the vision, the Ruach Hakodesh of Jesus Christ spoke to me, saying, “Moshiach’s Torah will crush these black stones to powder, and the intelligences of the Chayot will blow them away.”

This is a season of hammering the black stone kelipot prisons that the satans have constructed through their master sorcerers in the nations. All these mental, emotional, spiritual, and therefore physical prisons built by potent sorceries above and below will be crushed like powder and blown away by the winds of mighty warring archangels of angel armies. Amen.

In the Royal Council of Jerusalem,
Rebbe Brandon Barthrop

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RLM TV - Red Letter Ministries
Posted 2 months ago

“Master of Souls: Overcoming Emotional Manipulation and Reconnecting with Moshiach,” by Rebbe Brandon Barthrop

If the enemy can provoke an emotional reaction from you through their wrongdoing, Moshiac is not your Adoniu. Come and See.

Adoniu, (Master or Lord in English) means slave owner of souls. The soul is the mind, will, and EMOTIONAL FEELINGS.

The enemy's strategies during this last hour is to augur through emotional manipulation. If the heart, mind, and thoughts are provoked and attached to external things and not Messiah in our spirit breath within our diaphragm, then the enemy's sorceries have successfully disconnected the believer in Jesus Christ from the Kingdom of Heaven and taken over their souls through augury.

We must understand how the elite Balaam sorceries of all nations’ governments on earth today work using magic spells. They do it by creating events to provoke an emotional response in the animal's nefesh soul. If the soul disconnects from Messiah’s kingdom of peace within (through the spirit-breath in the human diaphragm), the magic spell kindles and the believer’s soul goes into captivity, exiled into Babylon the Great.

Come out of her, my people, says the King of Israel, that you may be my people, and I may be your Lord (Master of heart feelings and emotional responses to events).

In Service to the King Messiah,
Rebbe Brandon Barthrop

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RLM TV - Red Letter Ministries
Posted 2 months ago

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RLM TV - Red Letter Ministries
Posted 3 months ago

"For winds will go forth from before Me to bring every morning the fragrance of aromatic fruits, and at the close of the day clouds distilling the dew of health. And it will come to pass at that same time that the treasury of manna will again descend from on high, and they will eat of it in those years, because these are they who have come to the consummation of time.”

-2 Baruch 29:7-8

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RLM TV - Red Letter Ministries
Posted 3 months ago

Battle Raging Against "World Cares"
By Rebbe Brandon Barthrop

The front lines of Heavenly Israel's battle against the Kelipot—Evil Impulse (Yetzer Hara), Evil Eye (Ayin Hara), and Evil Speech (Lashon Hara)—require a profound understanding of the bombardment of temptations that emanate from Hell in the form of "World Cares."

Many believers despise the Devil but still struggle with the temptations from Satan's deceptive arts, which provoke concern over worldly needs; these are the "World Cares." The daily protocol for all heavenly Israel during this time is a focused release of all worldly cares. Though your Father in Heaven knows your needs, releasing them to King Jesus, who is enthroned in heaven, is essential. Manifesting this holy action of release in both thoughts and speech empowers heaven to care for you through the holy angels of King Jesus Christ.

Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, Hakodesh Baruch Hu.
(Rabbi King Messiah Jesus, Bless His Holy Name).

In Jesus' Parable of the Sower, the enemies of the seed, which represents the word of the kingdom, are described as follows:

The Birds: These represent Satan or the evil one who comes and snatches away the word that was sown in people's hearts (Matthew 13:19).

Rocky Ground: This represents those who receive the word with joy but have no root and only endure for a while. When tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, they immediately fall away (Matthew 13:20-21).

Thorns: These represent the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches that choke the word, making it unfruitful (Matthew 13:22).

The Path: This represents those who hear the word of the kingdom but do not understand it, allowing the evil one to come and snatch away what was sown in their hearts (Matthew 13:19).

These elements in the parable illustrate the various challenges and obstacles that prevent the word of the kingdom from taking root and producing fruit in people's lives.

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RLM TV - Red Letter Ministries
Posted 3 months ago

How Holiness Works To Live in Perfect Peace Above

Bless by consecrating Jesus Christ’s name aloud:
Rebbe Melech Yehoshua HaMoshiach Hakodesh

The front lines of Heavenly Israel’s battles are in thought, speech, and eye.
The three main evils Hell tempts the believer of Jesus Christ in are evil thoughts, evil speech, and the evil eye. YHVH HaAv, God the Father, does not leave us alone to suffer and be miserable under this continuous bombardment from Hell. He answers with Holiness! As is written, YHVH is holy; therefore, you should be holy. This is not some accusation from God because you’re so impure and gross, but the actual answer to obliterate the enemy and enjoy the freedom of serving HaAv’s throne in heaven while in the body!

The Promised Land of Upper Gan Eden is holiness within thought, speech, and eye. It is the Land of Milk and Honey. It is the mark of the high calling of perfected faith. I want to remove the impossibility of unbelief that demons impart and impart the ease of the glory. Come and see. There is a switch, a button within, where we go from reactionary negative thoughts and emotions to optimistic holy thoughts and peaceful emotions. This internal decision is the gate and door of our heart where we choose Melech Yehoshua, or HaSatan, in the realm of our inner thoughts. In order for the misery of hell to stay out and the bliss of heaven to come in, the believer in Jesus Christ must understand how to operate the door of their heart: Hinei, I have stood at the delet (door) DOFEK (“knocking,”); if anyone hears my kol and opens the delet, indeed I will come in to him and we, the two of us, will dine together at the BEIT HAYAYIN [“Banquet Hall.]

-Hisgalus 3:20 OJB

Let’s learn the origin of these thoughts, speech, and eye.
Yetzer Hara - The Evil Impulse
Leshon Hara - The Evil Tongue
Ayin Hara - The Evil Eye

The Talmud writes that over 99% of human beings' cause of death is from the Ayin Hara. The Ayin Hara is the entirety of the Qlippoth. It is the summation of Hell’s ability towards humanity. Now, we need to see and understand with our hearts that this wickedness is a choice of attitude of thoughts within our hearts. We choose with our mind whether we let evil in or keep it out. Holiness is the choice of Moshiach’s thoughts that are generated from Dvar Sod Torah of Yehoshua. Dvar Sod Torah is the Living Word of YHVH. HaAv Hakodesh has given us everything in Hamoshiach Yehoshua and Moshe: And I saw, as it were, a yam (sea) of glass, having been mingled with eish (fire); and I saw the menatzakhat HaChayyah (overcomers of the Beast, Anti-Moshiach) and of its Atzav (image) and of the mispar (number) of its name; and I saw them having taken their stand on the yam (sea) of glass, holding nevalim (harps) of Hashem. And they sing the Shir of Moshe [Rabbeinu], the eved Hashem, and the Shir of the SEH (Lamb, Moshiach), saying, "Great and marvelous are your ma’asim (works), Hashem Adonoi Tzva’ot; Tzedek (Righteousness) and Emes (Truth) are your derakhim (ways, paths), Melech kol HaGoyim (King of all the Nations).”

-Hisgalus 15: 2-3 OJB

The Overcomers of the world overcame these three evils with the three holies:
Yetzer Hakodesh - The Holy Impulse
Leshon Hakodesh - The Holy Tongue
Ayin Hakodesh - The Holy Eye

Just as in the Qlippoth Ladder of Hell, The Evil Eye is all the fallen angels, so the Holy Eye is the entirety of HaAv Hakodesh, our Holy Father’s throne! A holy eye within emanates the thoughts of YHVH through Melech Yehoshua, and the mind is a tower of David, God’s Heart, rather than filth and slime of murmuring and complaining under the Evil Eye or Yetzer Hara.

So, as HaMoshiach’s Talmidim (disciples), we are disciplined every day in these realms of thought, speech, and eye. When we choose the holy that imparted from Melech Yehoshua, we emanate the holy mouth and holy mind; this materializes the promised land through the elements of existence, making new heavens and new earth constantly through YHVH’s temples, His very own sons and daughters of Heavenly Israel.

May your eye, speech, and thoughts be turned inward to the Holy Word, Leshon HaKodesh of Rebbe Melech Yehoshua Hakodesh, and experience the Milk and Honey of our King Lamb of God every moment in the deep inner shalom and transform every layer of soul and experience in 13 dimensions of human existence; perfection of the New Covenant! Omein!

With Rebbe Yehoshua,
Rebbe Brandon
RLM Publishers

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RLM TV - Red Letter Ministries
Posted 3 months ago

One can only be a true believer in the faith of Messiah Yehoshua if they believe they can follow His ascension into heaven.

"I will come and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." -Jesus Christ (John 14:3).

Jesus Christ tells us in John 14 that every believer is visited by Himself and led into heaven, where He is.

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