SunDari Marci Lock is The Alchemist of Light, Spiritual Leader and Ascension Mentor. Her book, podcasts, mentoring, online courses, mentorship programs, and plant medicine retreats offer rapid transformation frameworks that guide you beyond surface-level self-empowerment and towards a life you'll absolutely love.
SunDari's genius is in taking you past information and into embodiment, where you can integrate the codes of ascension into your daily life for lasting and blissful change. She reveals the truth within by operating from heart consciousness, activating DNA, and sharing the codes of divine remembrance, liberation, abundance, and wholeness for all.
SunDari believes that embodiment, not education, changes your life. She invites you to join her in traveling from broken to bliss, from suffering to serenity, and to choose peace and abundance over anything else. Live joyfully, give yourself permission to embrace divinity, and unlock infinite possibilities for transformation today.