Join The Consciousness Shift enlightens and increases the vibe of visitors absorbing knowledge of love, light & the Creation/Creatrix.
We work in shifting human consciousness in this time to catalyze a greater change from 3D to 5D consciousness. Raise your vibration today through stillness meditation, manifestation, affirmation, invocation, prayer, thankfulness, bio energy refinement and centering your human ego mind.
Increase those good vibes by taking in the light filled teaching of Reverend A. N. Miles who seeks to help enlighten and raise the consciousness of the world offering what he has been taught through his High Master I Am. Listen and learn and increase the light of the body absorbing truth & knowledge.
Lightworkers seeking spiritual ascension are the vanguard of the light. Collecting light in the bio photon fields that make up your human aura, adding to the collective vibes of the collective consciousness grid. Be a part and learn to shift with us.