بسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
ALI (a.s) WARIS🥀
With the blessings of the Almighty ALLAH and the guidance of Moula Muhammad P.B.U.H & Ameerulmomeneen Imam ALI (a.s.), the Lion of ALLAH, I embark on a journey to spread LOVE, WISDOM, and SPIRITUALITY.
This channel is dedicated to the LOVERS of Imam ALI (a.s.), who embody the values of courage, justice, and compassion. I aim to share inspiring content that reflects the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s).
As the 14 Masomeenع have guided us, let us strive to live a life of moral integrity, kindness, and selflessness. Let us remember the importance of patience, perseverance, & forgiveness.
Through videos, lectures, and discussions, I'll delve into the depths of Islamic spirituality, morality, & highlighting the importance of self-purification.
Join me on this path of spiritual quest, as I strive to become true follower of Imam ALI (a.s.) and HIS noble legacy.