E&R´s Sham Gabr is an outstanding artist to improvise a song based on a few key words and to create coherent music with intensity and nerve that drags you in. It has been like that ever since he had to turn the mood while playing his own music for the first time on a bar in the middle of 2000 after having written more than 30 songs in 6 Months of dubious quality. Perfection comes with hard work...
During the last 15 years, he has not only performed and perfected his own songs but each time performed an impro song that each time has been spot on. Sham is not sure where this ability comes from but thinks it may have something to do with having a Finish Mother, an Egyptian father and being Danish.
Sham Gabr now focuses on creating lounge music and creative singer-Song productions in various collaborations and its only the beginning. Read more on www.exploreandreconnect.com