Chakras are the 7 "focalized" points of awareness, consciousness, and sacredness in our body via which energy flows through.
Name: Muladhara Svadhisthana Manipura Anahata Visuddha Ajna Sahasrara
Location: Spine Base Sexual organs Navel Heart Throat Forehead Crown
Vibrations: C/Sa D/Reh E/Ga F/Ma G/Pa A/Dha B/Ni
Element: Earth Water Fire Air Ether Transcendent Nothing
Purpose: Trust Pleasure Confidence Compassion Link Instinct Enlightenment
As each Chakra radiates specific sound which is governed by seed mantra, which can be initiated by producing certain vibration at certain frequency.We record, compose, produce everything in house, with every one putting their hearts & souls in order to gain full benefit of these Vibrating Chakras.