Youth Leader @Central gate of Zion & Daughter of Apostle Israel & Vera Luma.
Welcome to Daleth - The gate will be opened for those who dare to enter.
Daleth is a powerful Christo - Centric talk Show (Programm) hosted by a daugther of Central Gate of Zion e.V, Prophetess Abigajil Berenice Sady.
Daleth is the forth letter in the Hebrew alpahbet and has the symbol of a portal/door.
Many fear things that they don't know and through various testimoney, teaching, motivational Videos, Music and Interview also from many other popular personalities it is a portal to higher consciousness - Christ !
If you are bold enough to dare to leave the old and to embrace the new then you're absolutely right here.
Daleth is not only a door but also a seat.
You'll find your way to higher consciousness and obtain stability.