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8 hours ago - 51 likes

"I think people miss the point of morally gray characters. There is always some sort of debate somewhere about whether Snape is good or bad when he isn’t really meant to be either. I get people might like/dislike him as a character but saying he’s actually good or actually bad kind of defeats the point imo (I’m not saying people don’t understand he’s a morally gray character it’s just almost never mentioned when he’s discussed)"
- Melanie

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3 days ago - 96 likes

"Dumbledore didnt make any questionable choices after Grindelwald at all.
1- he had no choice but to make harry the chosen one
2- he cared for harry, and i think he was right. Telling harry that he would have to kill the most darkest wizard at the age of 13 or before without enough training is a very risky thing and would definitely cause a lot of fear between Harry, ron, and hermione
3- getting snape to the good side was the right choice. sure, it was manipulation, but he didnt lie exactly. he was going to do anything he could possibly do to save the potters, and getting a new ally was a bonus. he didnt even torture snape, he just gave him a special job, like the rest of the members in the OOTP
the only thing im annoyed about from him since Grindelwald was him stealing harrys sweets."
- ministeroftragic

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6 days ago - 122 likes

"I feel like the hate for Umbridge is a bit excessive. Like yeah I get that she’s a terrible person but I see people saying that Umbridge is worse that Voldemort, the wizard equivalent to Hitler. Umbridge is still a cvnt but at least she didn’t commit mass murder because of eugenics."
- Valentine

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1 week ago - 117 likes

"This may be a bit hard to explain, but I think Moody is one of the worst-written supporting characters. The first time we "meet" him, it's not really him but an impostor. The fact that someone is pretending to be him (no matter how good at acting) is not the same as me, the reader, really getting to know him. All I get is someone's portrayal of him - an idea of what he is about - so I can't say I know Moody.

When he reappears in the rest of the books, I'm supposed to pretend I "know him", but I'm really just confused. I know the fake Moody, but the real man never gets a real opportunity to reintroduce himself. He just becomes a part of the crowd and expects the reader to care about him, but again, I only got to know Crouch masquerading as him.
When Moody eventually dies, I don't feel any particular way about it. I never really got to know him."
- Raven's Claws

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1 week ago - 89 likes

"Lucius and Narcissa were the most horrible parents. I think the books make it obvious that Lucius never wanted a child, but did it to carry on the family name. Draco was only mean and prejudiced because his parents raised him that way, he didn't know better. By the end of the deathly hallows we see Draco starting to learn that maybe he was wrong about everything. Lucius and Narcissa were the first to make sure Draco was on the death eater side, because if he died they wouldn't have an heir. If either of them loved Draco, they wouldn't have done what they did."
- Meg

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2 weeks ago - 78 likes

"Nicholas Flamel is sort of bad. The whole principle, or a lot, of the saga is accepting death, and he was trying to get to the same goal as this madman. To be afraid of death and not accepting it, or not even physically letting it happen to you ever, is cowardly and it just removes the whole nature of everything. I know that Flamel wasn't a Gryffindor or whatever, but I would expect Dumbledore to be involving himself in more courageous people rather then wizards who have a similar, but less evil, perspective as Voldemort. Dumbledore doesnt ever say anything about how wrong he was, and I haven't heard anything about the fact that Dumbledore might have swayed him against from going awry. It might be a bit big-headed and selfish to keep this Elixir to yourself too. To be fair, Flamel did make it, but I think there are people who could have used it better. Aurors, and more powerful wizards should have it, as they have more use to the magical community and this would have been good aid."
- Steri0reo

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2 weeks ago - 135 likes

"This isn’t really a confession but more of a thought.

I honestly find it really weird how during the quidditch match where the Slytherins were singing that “Weasley is our King” song, none of the teachers attempted to stop the song which was completely discouraging Ron but get super fussed when Harry and George attack Draco (when he further insulted them!). And while I agree it’s never ok to use violence on another person, it’s also never ok to get an entire house against one person and embarrass them in front of the entire school. I would also like to add that Crabbe hit a bludger at Harry out of retaliation for winning and he somehow just got lines?

Do you think it’s fair that Malfoy didn’t get detention for taunting Ron in front of the entire school and Crabbe only getting lines when he deliberately harmed Harry because he won?"
- Anonymous

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3 weeks ago - 112 likes

"Time turners were one of the worst things added to Harry Potter. It is introduced and then never talked about again, even though it is arguably one of the most powerful things in the Harry Potter universe. If Hermione could get one then many powerful wizards also could have got one. This could have changed the outcome of literally anything. There's not much more to say about it, but it never should have been added because of its powers."
- Kyler

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3 weeks ago - 134 likes

"I feel like in the end it would’ve been cool if Snape was Harry godfather, though a lot of people may disagree, it makes sense doesn’t it? Snape knew Lily and James from childhood, also it would’ve made a very good plot twist, Snape’s hating personality towards Harry would’ve made sense since he probably wouldn’t have wanted to be the godfather of his childhood bully’s son. Unpopular opinion, but still an opinion!"
- Siren please!

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4 weeks ago - 104 likes

"Like everyone else, I love reading and creating head cannons. But I think sometimes many people try too hard. The head cannons become so ridiculous and unbelievable. I think we need at least one proof for every single head cannons. This thing especially happens in Marauders fandom sm. I know we don’t have much sources for Marauder era but still. Something not depending on evidence makes me feel uncomfortable, such as Marauder era. But in the end, I still really love reading head cannons."
- Oliv

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