Akun ini buat saudara-saudari ku yang bingung mau masak apa, dan pengen masak yang nggk ribet, buat anak kosan juga cocok. ☺
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Maaf kalo video nya kurang enak di liat, maklum masih pemula, masih belajar dan terus belajar untuk berkembang.
Terimakasih orang orang baik.
__________________ 🌼🌼🌼
This account is for my brothers and sisters who are confused about what to cook, and want to cook that is not complicated, for boarding children it is also suitable. ☺
Let's support each other by clicking subscribe, like, share and comment.
Sorry if the video is not good to see, understandably still a beginner, still learning and continuing to learn to develop.
Thank you good people.