Apparently the video "H-Happy Birthday, Yuno! ;_;" isn't viewable in two countries. To anyone who wants to watch it enough to download a 69MB file, I've uploaded it at "…
You have to sign up to access the file, but it's a totally legit free site.
If the video gets removed for whatever reason, hit me up with a message, and I'll see if I can reupload it.
To check if I am alive, e-mail me at "". If I respond, I'm not dead. If I don't respond, Krony has taken me captive and is torturing me by calling my waifu a shit without giving a single reason why.
If Krony has taken me captive, please use the tracking device I have implanted in my rectum to give you the coordinates necessary to carpet bomb his house. I am willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, if it means the end of a vile demon as faggoty as Krony!