Beverly Smith Ministries (BSM) is a teaching ministry that propels the Body of Christ to fulfill God's will for their lives. We teach practical behavioral living and skills to influence change in society, workforce, home, church, and ministry.
Our vision encompasses biblical and professional career training seminars, meetings, and workshops to rebuild, restore, and renew ruined lives.
Throne of His Glory Summits & Fellowship exists to help individuals within the context of rich community, develop a deeper relationship with God, grow in the love of God, and experience a meaningful life with Him.
Our mission is to help you see where God fits in everything you do. We believe that in doing so your life will be changed from one degree of glory to the next. Meet other people just like you. Learn, develop, and walk in your God ordain destiny. Preparing you to live in something greater than you've ever had, a new life with Jesus Christ. Taking your worship with HIM to another level.