Helping overwhelmed nurse practitioners implement charting and time management tips to create a better work-life balance and STOP charting at home!
Nurse practitioners are overwhelmed by the amount of charting. NPs have to stay late at the office or bring charts home to catch up. This creates a lack of work-life balance and ultimately nurse practitioner burnout.
As The Nurse Practitioner Charting Coach, I teach the top charting tips and time management hacks to help you STOP charting at home and create a better work-life balance!
Check out this FREE Jumpstart List of Smart Phrases which will save you a TON of time charting!
Also check out Freed AI Medical Scribe and let Freed AI write your chart notes for you!
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This channel specializes in Freed AI tutorials, pros and cons of Freed AI, how to use Freed AI to save time charting, and more!
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