TarantaChannel presents the best of Popular Music from Southern Italy and promotes: Italian regions, culture, tourism, holidays, travel, lifestyle, festivals, events, food & wine. The name "Taranta" gathers all the "ritual" music and dances that have been still playing in Southern Italy for 3,000 years for healing, psycho-physical and well-being purposes, all deriving from the Greek cults of Dionysus and Cybele and from the Christian cults of St. Paul and Madonna: Pizzica from Salento in Apulia, Tarantella and Tammurriata in Campania (Hirpinia, Naples, Cilento), Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily. Follow us on Spotify & FB.
Top Artists: Passion Taranta, Ermanno Corrado, Zimbaria, Briganti di Terra d'Otranto, Tamburellisti di Torrepaduli, Briganti Band
Artistic Director: Canio Rosario Maffucci
INFO & BOOKING: www.maffuccimusic.com / info@maffuccimusic.com
Buy CDs of our Artists on www.msol.biz/
Dancer in the banner: Stefania Della Bona
Dancer in the icon: Selena Sacco