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Gavin Speaks

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I am Gavin Speaks a Transformational Life Coach & Master Ene

Gavin Speaks
1 month ago - 54 likes

Chances are if you're reading this you...

...have many unanswered questions like...

Why does everyone else seem to create their reality easily but not me?

What am I doing wrong?

Maybe I just need to be a little more positive, change my mindset or do more meditation.

I mean none of that stuff is wrong... but...

There's something that I realised about truth seekers. I think this could be the antidote for many people.

The simulation, matrix, Maya has created a construct of success.

An illusion!

I know success leaves clues don't get me wrong... it's just...

This illusion is NOT FOR YOU, point blank period.

While you try to strive like them, visualise like them, buy their courses and programs... It never seems to work or work well...?

Their way is not your way. It's not your blueprint.

And that's because...

You're not of the mind!

You're of the heart!

If you listen to your true self you know something feels off about reality creation and the law of attraction community.

Desire, wanting isn't your power. It's a weakness and you feel it.

It just digs you further into being lost! Further into the simulation. Further in to the abyss.

As a result of this weakness, you attract lessons to remind you of your power.

It's just that we misinterpret those lessons again and again and sink further into the illusion.

Until we learn!

Many years ago I decided to stop and listen...

The truth IS after working with 100s of truth seekers, lightworkers & light creators I found... you're a component of god, truth, love light, universe.. Whatever name or label you want to put on it.

There are many levels to you beyond this reality!

Everything else is a distraction!

'THEY' are just playing their roles of being a part of the distraction, or maybe they are also NOT listening. Yet continuing to project happiness and my life is so great when it's not..

(hey they got bills to pay and a lifestyle to perpetuate right...)

Deep down you know the truth is the heart—fulfilment, love and creating reality with god (god-level manifestation) rather than against. You work with the rhyme of yourself, god, universe to unfold your purpose and truth.

That's magic to me.

What's your thoughts?

Affordable 1 on 1 Coaching + God Level Manifesation:

Gavin Speaks
4 months ago - 25 likes

Ancient approach to success nobody talks about... a novice farmer who, after indulging in a marathon of motivational videos, decided to take on his farm with all the enthusiasm in the world.

Little did he know, his journey would teach him a lesson that resonates deeply with the ancient philosophy of non-action (Wu Wei).

So, picture this – our enthusiastic farmer starts by pulling crops, thinking it would make them grow faster. Well, surprise, surprise, it didn't work.

Next, he decides to double up on the watering, hoping for a miracle.

Instead, he ends up drowning the poor plants. Classic case of trying to force success, right?

It turns out, no matter how hard we hustle, there's a wisdom in realizing that acting against the natural flow is counterproductive.

Lao Tzu, the wise mind behind the Dao De Jing, once said that the world governs itself; it doesn't need our constant intervention. Intriguing, huh?

Now, let's dive into the heart of Wu Wei.

The term itself translates to various things – non-action, doing nothing, actionless action, effortless action – it's like a philosophical buffet. But the core idea is aligning our actions with nature, not forcing anything, and acting when it's suitable.

Like going with the flow of a river rather than against it.

In our modern society, where we celebrate busyness like it's a badge of honor, there's a reminder here to be smart about our efforts. Hard work is undoubtedly valuable, but Wu Wei suggests that intelligence lies in knowing when to act and when to let things unfold naturally. It's about recognizing the rhythm of the game, the cards you're dealt, and whether it's your turn to play.

The Dao doesn't use force, yet there's nothing it cannot do.

Sounds contradictory, right?

But it's about understanding that sometimes, by letting things happen, they get done more naturally. Like our novice farmer, who just needed to be patient and let nature do its thing.

Now, Wu Wei's most common interpretation is aligning our actions with nature, but it goes deeper than that.

It's about effortless action – not doing nothing but going with the flow, embarking on a river stream without worrying about where it takes us. Think of it as setting sail into uncharted territory, unburdened by overthinking or excessive planning.

Let me tell you a dating story to illustrate this point. Ever been on a date where nerves took over because you overprepared and overanalyzed?

Wu Wei suggests that letting go of the need for a specific outcome allows you to act more naturally and responsively, making the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.

But here's where it gets really interesting – diving into the realms of ego and emptiness. Our past experiences, social conditioning, and ideologies shape us into knowledgeable beings, but there's a downside. The ego can distort our perception of reality, filling in gaps with prejudices and convictions. Wu Wei invites us to return to a more unprocessed state, the "uncarved block," where our vision of the world becomes clearer.

Dr. Wui Lin Chong emphasizes the element of emptiness in Wu Wei, describing it as observing all relevant forces in a situation from an egoless center. This requires courage – letting go of what we've learned, discarding normative frameworks, and flushing assumptions down the toilet. 

As Lao Tzu bluntly puts it, "Renounce knowledge, and your problems will end."

In this understanding of Wu Wei, we let go of the ego, act in accordance with the situation at hand, and become unrestrained by preconceived ideas. We return to being uncarved blocks, ready to respond to the ever-changing dance of life.

So, my friend, as you navigate your journey towards becoming your 2.0 version, remember the wisdom of Wu Wei. Let nature guide you, act with intelligence, and be brave enough to let go of what you think you know.

Reality Mastery Challenge - Conquer goals & master reality without trying! Beat procrastination & master the art of consistency, while you effortlessly create your 2.0 reality Join now!

Gavin Speaks
4 months ago - 24 likes

Ever heard of Wu Wei, that ancient Chinese nugget of wisdom? It's like finding the sweet spot between effort and surrender, this beautiful dance of doing and just letting things be.

I've been there... Chasing goals, grinding hard, and what do we get? Stress, anxiety, frustration. Dr. D. Hawkins nailed it in "Power vs. Force"—too much hustle messes with life's rhythm and throws us out of sync with reality.

Now, here's the switch: Action with Enjoyment. Picture this – action as an emotion tied to energy. When you genuinely enjoy what you're doing, positive vibes flow effortlessly. Aligning actions with something that is dopamine rich instead of exhausting yourself willpower.

I have a full video of this on my channel now, comes with a free download. No email is required.

Gavin Speaks
4 months ago - 42 likes

Procrastination is the killer of dreams. We start new goals and habits but then we lack consistency. One of the biggest keys to mastering consistency is to master Non-Action. I'll be talking about this in an upcoming video...

Action is an emotion. People will try to take action but very rarely can we go beyond what we feel when the feeling is strong a deep part of our subconscious mind.

So if you feel procrastination, resistance and restriction your mind will struggle to get past that.

Emotions in most cases will beat the mind. When emotions are high, intelligence is low.

When you can align your emotions toward a goal the goal becomes nothing. What I mean is you will enter non-action and it will become seamless.

If you have questions ask them below? Or let me know if you're looking forward to the video

Happy New Year!

Gavin Speaks
5 months ago - 8 likes

Many of you want to Master Yourself and become More Consistent... What do you feel will help you in achieving this?

Gavin Speaks
5 months ago - 11 likes

What's the main goal for 2024?

Gavin Speaks
5 months ago - 12 likes

Free Gift… If i was to create an in-depth free training for you. Which one of these would you want the most.

Gavin Speaks
5 months ago - 6 likes

Help! First,I just wanted to give a quick thank you for all the new viewers and subscribers. I want to improve my videos for you by asking what stage you’re at on your journey.

Gavin Speaks
5 months ago - 44 likes

It's a bit unconventional, but if you're hungry for a change in 2024, I encourage you to read this…

I threw out the traditional rulebook on success.

From scrapping productivity journals to redefining my approach to hustling, I discovered a path that aligns with who I am at my core.

You see, the result you want isn't about grinding; it's about creating a relaxed state, getting in tune with what works foe you and create a state where success becomes almost automatic...

I've worked with people worldwide, helping them break free from the shackles of societal norms and align their journey with their true selves.

Today, I want to share some key insights

1. Know Thyself: Understanding your personality is crucial. I'm an INFP, and my entire business reflects my Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving nature. Take the 16 Personalities test to discover your unique traits. Search on google.

2. Identify Your Values: Dr. Joe Dispenza says, "Your personality creates your personal reality." Knowing your values is equally vital. Sometimes we do things against our values and we don’t even relise it. Thus creating resistance, procrastination and more. Check out Dr. D Martini's Values Test to understand what truly matters to you. Search on google

3. Get Clear on What You Want: It's okay not to have all the answers upfront. Start the journey, take action, and let your path reveal itself. You'll refine your goals as you progress. People want to know there purpose upfront. But once you know thyself and understand your values you'll be able to get started.

4. Be Your Future Self Now: Embrace the concept of identity shifting. Envision your future self, embody their thoughts, feelings, and actions today. It's a powerful tool for creating lasting change.

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. It's about enjoying the process, and when you align your path with who you truly are, everything falls into place effortlessly.

Gavin Speaks

Gavin Speaks
5 months ago - 14 likes


This is Identity Shifting at The EXTREME!

Prepare to be captivated! This Wednesday 6th at 10 am EST, I'm unveiling a video on my YouTube channel. In our upcoming discussion, we'll delicately unravel:

- The eye-opening revelations from the Netflix documentary "Escaping Twin Flame," where individuals joined a group that influenced them to make life-altering changes, including shifts in gender identity and why!

- A nurturing, compassionate perspective on embracing transformation and fostering growth and how authenticity is an identity that blocks us.

The sacred art of self-talk is a tool that gracefully shapes our perception of reality and guides us towards a more fulfilling existence.

Btw... this isn't about advocating for cults. Instead, we are going to explore how we can learn from such stories, understanding the power of identity shifting and how it's more than possible to experience huge transformations.

Save the date and join me for this thought-provoking discussion on Wednesday 6th at 10 am EST.

#RealityRedefined #SoulfulTransformation #ComingSoon