in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Good Bye - My Old PC Setup 😥
When I first began, I didn’t have much – just a $3 mic, a cheap dell monitor, and a PC running an AMD HD 7870 GPU from 2012, an old Intel i5 4th gen processor, and 4GB of RAM, all on Windows 7. I wish I had a picture to show you just how trash the setup was back then. The Image you are seeing is the last time with all my things on it.
But now it’s time to move on and embrace a new chapter of my YouTube channel with my new PC setup.
Have a Yogomolicious Day - Zortec
6 - 8
⛩️ Your go-to channel for Content Creation and Tech-based tutorials & how-to's.
Yogomo Guys. I started this channel as a gaming channel. But I now focus on creating guides and tutorials, covering a wide range of topics with how-to and tech based tutorials that builds on each other.
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- Our goal is to help as many people as possible and make videos I wish I had when I started.
- If you can relate and want to unlock a new dimension of skills inside yourself, then consider Subscribing to Zortec.
► ❓ A B O U T M E
I always had a passion for computers and tech. I grew up autistic and I had a tough time learning to talk, read, and write. Even when I had a bit of success, I always fumbled it. Those setbacks has made me more determined to turn things around, work harder than ever and learn from my mistakes. This channel is a reflection of that journey.