Hello evryone I’m just a rendom utubhur and I meke cringe vedeos🥲
I do a lot of funi coments and il navel rech 50k subs 😭🇨🇦🇳🇱
Our cols:
1 yes
5 yes
10 yes
20 no
50 no
100 no
1k no
5k no
10k no
50k no
500k no
1m no
5m no
20m no
50m no
100m no
500m (max) no
Yes these are my cols:
100 yes
500 yes
1k yes
5k no
(It was to hard to go to a million)
So and these my likes:
5 no
10 no
10k no
100k no
500k no
1m no
10m no
100m no
1b no
Alr I never get comments and I hope I get comments
And I hate fur and I play reblex………………………………………………
Me when I hear my favorite song while crying (no more by manfredd)
Guys ill make a big event in roblox elected admin if i get 1k subs