I have been living with cats since I was a kid. Now I live with 8 cats who saved by me from Avsa island and street of İstanbul.
I founded Şirin Boutique to give food and treatment support for street animals of Avsa island in 2010. I sell donation products in my online and legal firm on instagram. You can look at @sirin_boutique
And I share help documents @sirinboutique_ on instagram.
I saved lots of sick cats from Avsa island and streets of Istanbul. I found safe families for them. I send 7 cats to Germant for their new life. In addition I found new familes for lots of cats in Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa and Izmir.
If you want to give food support for street cats and dogs of Avsa island please contact with me. In Avsa island there are approximately 2000 street animals and they feed with our support.
I do not accept money, I have a food box for them, so you can send 1 kg or more food for them.