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Fox & Crown Creative

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Elevating and encouraging aspiring filmmakers. BRAND COLLAB

Fox & Crown Creative
3 weeks ago - 20 likes

Hey friends!

Just a couple of quick updates:

First, a big thank you to everyone who voted in our latest poll and sent in video requests. I'm super grateful and have some really fun videos coming soon that I think will add a lot of value.

This week, there won't be a long-form video as I'm focusing on work projects and spending time with my family. However, I do have a couple of shorts coming your way, and I also have a long-form video in the works that I'm really excited to share soon!

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. This channel wouldn't be the same without y'all, and I am beyond grateful. Let's keep creating, lifting each other up, and rememberβ€”you've got this, friend!

Cheers! ✌🏼

Fox & Crown Creative
1 month ago - 2 likes

Hey friends! I'm working on new video ideas and would love to get your feedback. Which of these two types of videos are you most interested in watching from my channel? Please feel free to hit me up in the comments with any specific ideas you might have. Looking forward to your thoughts, cheers!

Fox & Crown Creative
1 month ago - 17 likes

Hey friends! I just wanted to drop in, say hello and update you with what's coming down the pipeline for me and my channel.

First, I just realized that we recently hit a little over 4,000 subscribers. Which wow! I am absolutely amazed and grateful. I've been so focused on life, and creating quality content for ya'll that I completely missed this amazing milestone. Thank you all who have subscribed and if you are new with us I just want to say welcome, because I truly appreciate you being here.

After seeing this milestone, I've decided to do another Q&A video once we hit the 5k subscriber mark. As well as do a big giveaway to celebrate 5k subscribers! πŸŽ‰ This is actually something I've been wanting to do since the new year but didn't think I would get here so quickly haha! I'm really excited to share the details of the giveaway. I will be in touch, as well as do a video announcement with more details as we get closer to the 5k subscriber goal. But I wanted to give a special heads up to all of my friends here in the community tab.

Also, this week I will have two shorts coming your way. One I just published on the channel and the other will be published this Friday. I also have a long form video in the works that I'm really excited to share, and that will be published the following Tuesday the 21st.

If you've been following my posts for some time, you may know that the family, work and YouTube balance has been a bit of a challenge in this season, due to big life changes and because I'm trying to focus more on family in this season, but I just want to thank you so much for your patience. Ya'll are amazing, and I really appreciate all of your support and encouragement for the channel. It means the world to me!

Let's keep making films and lifting each other up, you've got this friends! Cheers! ✌🏼

Fox & Crown Creative
2 months ago - 17 likes

Hey friends! Just a quick update. I have a video I've been working on that I'm really excited to share, but I am also working on a client project that's due soon as well. I always aim to add as much value as I can in my videos, so instead of rushing it out I've decided to push it's publish date out a bit, so that I can have more time with it. I will be back next week with a different video that I'm also excited about. Were I'll be sharing a few color grading tips that I like to use when getting a cinema-style look for my films and videos. There are a couple of tips in this video that I personally haven't seen shared on Youtube yet, so I'm really excited about that.

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all, I'm always happy to help. Let's keep making films and I'll see you in the next post or video. Cheers, friends! ✌🏼

Fox & Crown Creative
2 months ago - 11 likes

Hey friends! I'm really excited to announce that we've finally finished the new studio renovation. This is just phase one of the studio reno, but it's really starting to come along. I'm also excited to announce that we filmed this renovation and have a whole video dedicated to showing you the behind scenes of how we did it and give you the tour, and this video is coming your way this week.

In fact, we have two long form videos coming your way this week! Which is totally not the norm for me, but I feel like both of these videos go hand-in-hand, so I wanted to share them back to back.

The first video is all about my journey to becoming a full-time filmmaker and why I gave up my dream studio. This video will be published tomorrow (Wednesday April 17th) evening. It's a video that I've been developing for a few months, and I'm really excited to share it with you.

The second video is the studio renovation and tour, where I will show you the new space, provide a behind-the-scenes look at the renovation, and continue the story from the first video. This video will be published this Saturday April 20th. After these two videos we will be back the following week with our regular scheduled programming. πŸŽ₯

I've never done anything like this on the channel before, but I've recently realized that I've never really shared my story on this channel before, so I'm excited to share these videos with y'all this week. I appreciate all of you and this community we've built very much. This channel thrives because of you and I am beyond grateful and thankful to all of you. Let's keep making films and I'll see ya'll tomorrow. Cheers! ✌🏼

Fox & Crown Creative
3 months ago - 18 likes

Hey friends! Here is a behind the scenes photo as I'm filming the talking head segment for an upcoming video. This video received the most votes in our poll and I'm super excited to share it with y'all! This video will publish next week, but in the meantime I will have two Shorts going out, one today and one this Friday. And I'm excited to share those Shorts with you as well!

In this photo, I'm sitting in my new studio space. Which, if you watched my most recent video, you may know is an old shop that I'm currently renovating to become my new studio space. This photo was taken about a week or so ago, and since then, the new space has started to look so much better already. We've been filming a ton of footage that I'm hoping to share in an upcoming video, where I'll be sharing my journey as a filmmaker, and the events that brought me to this point and this new studio space. My journey was highly unconventional with many ups, downs, twists and turns, so I'm excited to share my story with y'all. I also plan on doing a studio tour video soon. After that I have many more cinematography, filmmaking and storytelling tips and tutorial videos coming your way! πŸŽ₯

This move has been a journey for my family and I, one I would say we are still working through. But I'm so grateful for this community. The support, encouragement and flexibility to create content that provides you with as much value as I can, while also navigating this crazy season. Ya'll are amazing! I have many more videos coming in the next few weeks. But in the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have, I'm happy to help if I can. Keep making films and I'll see you in the next post or video. Cheers! ✌🏼

Fox & Crown Creative
3 months ago - 19 likes

Hey friends! Just a quick update: there won't be a long-form video this week. We're in the final stages of our move, and I'm still wrapping up some client work. However, I'll be releasing a couple of shorts this Wednesday and Friday. Plus, I have some exciting videos lined up for the upcoming weeks, including one from our recent poll that I think will bring you a lot of value.

In the meantime, I'm here for you! Whether you have questions, need advice, or just want to chat about filmmaking, feel free to drop a comment below or DM me on Instagram. I'm always happy to help however I can, if I can! πŸŽ₯

Thank you all for your patience, encouragement, and continued support during this transitional period. I'm super grateful to have such an amazing community. Stay tuned for more content coming your way soon, cheers! ✌🏼

Fox & Crown Creative
3 months ago - 3 likes

Hey friends! A huge thank you to all who voted on the latest poll. I'm super excited to make these videos for you soon! πŸŽ₯

Also, I just published the latest video, all about why and how music can impact the narrative in our films and videos. I tried to pack this one with a lot of example scenes and tips that I'm hoping will help in your next film or video. Check it out if you haven't already. I left a link to the video below if you're interest.

Thank you so much for always being awesome my friends! Keep making films and I'll catch you in the next post or video. Cheers! ✌🏼

Fox & Crown Creative
4 months ago - 1 likes

Hey friends! Which video would you be most interested in seeing from me? I would love to get your input!

Fox & Crown Creative
4 months ago - 14 likes

Hey friends! It's been a a little while since I've posted, so I thought I would stop by, say hi and give you an update on what I've been up to.

If you've been following the channel for some time you might know that I've been publishing videos to my channel on a weekly basis for some time now. However, as of late, this has become a little difficult to do. My family and I are doing a big move to a whole new town and community, which means I'm also moving my studio. I'm really excited to share the new studio space with you soon! Also, freelance work has really picked up and I'm finding myself working a lot on those projects lately.

I'm still producing and publishing videos to my channel frequently, and I do plan on publishing videos on a weekly basis again at some point. But I've found that I would much rather spend more time on a video to ensure I'm providing you with the most value that I can, then quickly rush to get a video out just to get one out and sacrifice the quality.

I'm excited for the new videos I have coming down the pipeline soon! I appreciate all of you very much, and all of your support and encouragement. This channel wouldn't be anything without you. Keep making films and I'll catch you in the next post or video. Cheers friends!