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Christina D. Raju

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Sharing my transformative journey on the path of human-divin

Christina D. Raju
2 weeks ago - 4 likes

Do you feel like you know your purpose? And if so, are you living it?

Christina D. Raju
1 month ago - 3 likes

Hello stars, the Earth is calling! (Haha JK) - I wonder - do you watch tarot pick-a-cards and astrology videos? I adore them and in the past year I have worked a lot with tarot and personal astrological blueprint to navigate blockages in my life and it works wonders. Would you watch those type of videos?

Christina D. Raju
1 month ago - 6 likes

I am back to making videos and I wondering where you are in your life now. What is it you feel is your number one priority that you need to unblock? 🪄

Christina D. Raju
1 month ago - 7 likes

I have some exciting news! I am opening a few spots to work with me 1:1 to get to the core of your potential! 🪄 The world needs your Light and you deserve to Shine and live authentically and within your absolute fullest Human-Divine potential. If you are interested, fill in the form below 💛…

Christina D. Raju
1 month ago - 32 likes

After three years, my book is finally out! If you love a good middle-grade fantasy with lots of spiritual metaphors, this is a great read for you 🪄…

Honestly, I cannot believe it is finished, there were days, weeks, and months I thought I would never finish it. As a Virgo, I had so much analysis paralysis, and quite frankly I had days when I didn't think I even knew what I was doing. Still, at the same time, this whole project brought me so much closer to the Divine, because I realized that every time I tend to try to control, I can take a breather and ask something much greater than myself, the universal all-knowing "I" that is part of me, for help... and it always comes! ⭐️

Thank you to anyone who gets my book and supports my work 💛

Christina D. Raju
3 months ago - 13 likes

Calling in all Fantasy Lovers 🪄
Light Fam 💛 this might seem random but I promise you it's not. If you remember, I have been working on a middle-grade fantasy story with lots of spiritual analogy layers (for those who can see them) and it's been quite a ride to say the least!

Last year was so tough (about that soon in my videos) but at least I finally finished it and now I am looking for ARC (Advanced Readers Copy) readers who love to read the magical fantasy genre and would love to get my book FOR FREE one month in advance, in exchange for an honest review at the launch date. 🪄⭐️

There are mythical creatures, quest for courage, finding and loving yourself, enchanted deserts, whimsy and cozy vibes and so much more.

Sign up here and be the first one to read my book!

Catch you on the bright side! 🌟

Christina D. Raju
6 months ago - 55 likes

Merry Christmas Light Fam 💛 I have so many news!
This year has been the toughest year in my life, I have just undergone the biggest demolition and reconstruction of my Self, in spiritual terms: The Darkest Dark Night of the Soul you could imagine. I won't sugarcoat it, it was painful and confusing and I was a mess. Seriously. Thank God for my amazing husband, family, and friends who kept me sane.

The positive side is, when the midnight strikes, the Sun gets reborn. And so I am back. 🌞
I see how many people are going through this collective awakening and I see how hard it is to navigate it in these volatile energies that reflect both on the inner and outer world.

Now my mission is clear - to help YOU overcome any obstacles, to share with you all the tools and secrets I have acquired along my journey so you do not have to go through unnecessary pain, you find your Divinely Given Will and you RISE AND SHINE like you are destined to!

It all starts next year. Psychology, occultic secrets, mythology, inner realms, archetypes, inner alchemy and so much more.

The second surprise is - I have a newsletter where I will share weekly so many more tips and tricks on how to heal and make yourself the main character of your story! Just go to my website and join the Sacred Scribe.

Are you ready? 🌻

(Picture from my most favorite place in the world - Oxford)

Christina D. Raju
1 year ago - 24 likes

Light Family! 💛
We just passed a really strong Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and oh my, have I been taken for a spiritual ride!

I literally feel like it opened the door into the Underworld. It started with signals about death everywhere I went, I could not escape it. It got to the point, I started getting paranoid if the Universe is trying to warn me against something and then I realized...

I am going through a rebirth. And as I always say - the process of birthing something is always painful (it really is), but what comes after is a miracle.

However, when you the seed deep in the soil, seemingly alone in the darkness, in what feels like a Void and you cannot reach the heights of the Light, it is a great recipe for a panic attack. And it happened to me. And much worse. Panic. Anxiety. Depression. Shadows. Fears. Existential crisis. Basically, I hit the Dark night of the soul again.

Spiritually and symbolically it made so much sense. Luna is our subconscious, Scorpio is our darkness and there we go with an eclipse, plus my Mars is in the 8th house of Death and Transformation. Ufff. 🌑

But as always, everything happens for a reason. When we manage to get out from the experience and see it accurately for what it is - we are the Creators and we design our experiences so we can overcome the next obstacle, boost up our avatar and play a bigger game, things slow down.

I have been experiencing a lot of disconnect with the Divine for months prior (which was also partly the reason I wanted to take time for myself) and now it all made perfect sense and it just could not wait anymore. What I am experiencing now is a beautiful rewiring to the New Me and finally starting to see it as a huge blessing! I am becoming ME. The Me I am supposed to be now, the me that is 100% truthful and in coherence with my purpose and the capacity of my heart to love the entire world. And the shadow was necessary. It kicked me in my butt and said "Hey, remember me? I come whenever you let things rot..." So I am not doing that anymore. I am slowly mending my stuff and boy is there a lot.

And the reason I am writing this post is that along my journey, there have been some amazing souls that helped me initially get through the horrible dark stages in which I felt alone and I realized, God is within each one of us, speaks and teaches through us and if I can perhaps help one person who is currently going through something similar and feels like you are losing your mind out of nowhere, then I hope to bring you deep sense of calm and love that others brought to me. 🌞

If this post is for you, then remember, this whole thing makes perfect sense, even if you need to do shadow work, even if you do not understand what is happening. It is all part of the plan and you are never alone. Me writing this post is a sign that you are never alone.

And because it is me and your girl is practical, here are some tips what you can do during this time if you feel effected (I literally started doing all these right from the morning after it hit me and things started shifting rapidly, although at first it did not seem like it):

1. Spend time alone in nature and open your inner monologue with your Higher Self or God to understand this situation
2. Drink plenty of water
3. Meditate (you might want to resist this a lot but do not, overcome it and for the love of Yourself, do not try to control how your meditation goes, surrender)
4. Exercise! (35 mins minimum daily, preferably early morning, high-cardio work out, pick whatever suits your physical situation)
5. Cold shower (I resisted this one for months because I love burning hot water, but I have done it consistently daily and I love it now!)
6. Daily journal (you need to get it out, especially if you cannot turn on the internal monologue with God, put it on a paper)
7. Diet (let go of sugar, no alcohol, if you eat meat and dairy, try to minimize it, but of course look into supplements to make sure you are not missing something)
8. Laugh (even if you force it, fake it till you make it, put the corners of your mouth up and watch some silly stuff)
9. Do not control and let things flow (this one is hard if you are a control-freak, do not tell the Divine how it can guide you, just keep your heart open and whatever feels good, go with that more and more! Life is about joy!)
10. Pray (ask and you shall receive! When it hit me I asked God instantly to take the edge away because when darkness hits me, it really hits me hard and my prayer has been heard and instantly responded with understanding and love)

You can do it, remember, you are loved and whatever situation you are in right now, if you have strange dreams with people you knew, nightmares, cannot sleep, do not know where to go. Put your hands on your heart and feel your heartbeat: YOU ARE HERE, BREATHE, YOU ARE LOVE.

💛 Lovingly yours, Christina


Christina D. Raju
1 year ago - 95 likes

GOOD BYE My Shinning Stars! ✨
I hope it won't be long, but I cannot keep overlooking some pulsating facts that demand my awareness. ⚡️

✧It is so interesting how the Universe works and how whatever happens on the macro also happens to you on the micro. Initially, I thought I would be writing this email to you, telling you how at this moment of my life, I have to hyper-focus on my book and how I am super grateful for everything we have been through. I genuinely treasure each kind soul I have connected with over the two years I have been active on Youtube. It was a fantastic ride, and I hope to get a ticket in the future and ride that rollercoaster with you again. However, at this very moment, I noticed that my focus had been significantly shattered between several projects, leading to a lot of overthinking and, quite frankly, anxiety.

 ✧This takes me to the second part, and here, allow me to be very personal and honest with you; I have been struggling. I have felt a disconnect between my mind and Spirit for a while. I always say that when anxiety hits, your soul knows you went off the path. Easy to tell it like this, but where is the recipe for getting back on track? I guess that's for each of us to figure out independently. I am indeed walking that road right now.

About a month ago, I got some urgent medical issues which were clear indicators to my mind screaming for help. As a result, my body stopped working the way it used to, and here we went. I had to take an urgent flight back to my home country to ensure I was okay. I spent a week with my family, which was healing on its own, but I wondered what went wrong every sleepless night until I realized...

 Dealing with anxiety is so common in our society because we tend to live in our minds – we can overthink, live in the past of the future, and float through life ungrounded. This excessive Vata energy (as they call it in Ayurveda) can later cause damage, as it did in my case. I am still healing.

 For this reason I also want to stop this overthinking – I want to sit down and be present and mindful. Watch birds, listen to the sounds of nature, touch the grass, smile and be grateful to take the next breath. It became a necessity at this moment.

With this being said, thank you again for your time, kindness, and honesty. Lots of you keep sharing your stories with me, and as you know, I try to reply as many as possible. I appreciate your friendship.

Talking about spirituality is not my hobby, it is in my deepest core, so I am sure at some point, I will get back to it. However, at this moment, pacifying my thoughts is very important and on top of that, I want to finish this wonderful book I have worked on and off for the past year and a half.
I still might occasionally check up on you via my emails (you can sub on my website and I want you to know that you can always reach out to me.

 Additionally, I find it very important as your friend to mention that we collectively went through really rough times and that it is essential you take a moment for yourself every day just to BE, to love life, love random things, make life worth living, even when things go wrong. Trust me, it can always go even worse and there are many things we can be grateful for. Gratefulness is on the other side of abundance, but more importantly, it signals to the Universe that you love life and that when you love life, life loves you back.

Sending you even more love and light now,
Don't worry, you will be hearing from me soon, I'm sure.
Good Bye for Now from
Your fellow human being,

Christina D. Raju
1 year ago - 9 likes

Have you heard about Spiritual Alchemy? 🌞 It is that moment when we take inventory of our elements, and their balance, and with pure awareness realign them together to metaphorical gold – illumination.
Natural elements are around us ever since we get born here and they reflect our body, psyche, soul, and Spirit. Sometimes the best therapy is when you just go into nature and let her take care of you, after all, she will forever be your great-great-….-grand-Mother. 🌻 Tell me, what element do you naturally feel the most drawn to now?